Thank The Dogs ♡ a.i.

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You were lying in your bed reading when you hear your dog bark. Ugh what is it now, as you rolled off your bed you find him standing in front of the door wagging his tail, “What is it Spence,” he tilted his head, barked then started scratching at the door. “Fine I’ll take you out!” you grab your bag and the leash and took him out. He dragged you around the block, pulling you across streets, finally stopping at a dog park. “No, no we are not going in there c’mon Spencer,” you dragged him from the door, but he wasn’t budging. 

"I don’t think he’s moving until you let him in," you hear a guy giggle next to you. 

"Haha yeah he’s a bit pushy," you laugh and bend down to pick Spencer up. "

He’s a cutie,” the guy came closer to pet your dog, “what’s his name?” he smiles and picks up his dog.

 ”Um… it’s Spencer, he’s a bit of a pain,” you roll your eyes and free one hand to pet his dog.

"This is Kate," he said snuggling his dog, “and Kate’s owner is called Ashton," he laughed again and this time you looked right into his eyes as his dimples creased deeper, his eyes were an odd color, they were hazel, but had little tints of honey, “so…" he bit his lip then smiled.

"oh right, I’m Y/N," you felt your cheeks turn bright pink and you put Spencer down, and Ashton bent down to play with them. 

"I wouldn’t mind bringing Kate into the dog park, if you and Spencer would join us," he smiled and opened the gate. Right away Spencer ran into the park. 

"Looks like I have no choice," Ashton holds the gate for you and closes it behind him. You and Ashton find a bench and spend the next few hours talking and watching the dogs play in the park. 

A/N: this one actually sucks sigh 

-gabby x

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