Tis The Season ❅ l.h.

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“Here this is my baby ornament so please don’t drop it!” You warn your boyfriend Luke, it was your first Christmas together in your new apartment you shared.

“Yeah okay,” he shrugs.

“And make sure you put it on a strong branch so it doesn’t fall okay?” you warned again, your parents had bought it for you on your first Christmas, and have been putting it up every year since.

“Woah,” he fake throws his arm.

“Luke stop you nearly gave me a heart attack!” You slapped his chest playfully and he just laughs. He takes a step away and gazes at the tree.

“I think we’re done,” he sighs. You walk over to him and he grabs you from behind and wraps his arms around you and puts his chin on your head, both of you eyeing the tree. “It’s amazing,” you whisper looking at you and Luke’s first decorated tree. You looked up into his eyes and pecked his lips lightly, “We did a great job, it’s beautiful,”
“It is, but it could never be as beautiful as you,” he smiled cheekily. You groaned because he was being so cliché, but you couldn’t help but smile at what he had just said. You fully turn around in his grip and nuzzle you head into the crook of his neck.
“I love you Luke,” you mumble into his neck.
“I love you too Y/N,” he kissed your cheek.

“Even in your horrifying Christmas sweater,” you giggle. Him and the band decided to go to the shops and buy horrible Christmas sweaters for each other, Luke even bought you one. His was green with a penguin in a christmas hat on it surrounded by Christmas lights and snowflakes. When you first saw it you didn’t think it was that bad, but then he pressed something on the shirt and the Christmas lights light up. He bought you a blue one with a reindeer wearing a scarf that was covered in snow and the neck, bottom and wrist lines green, and of course like his, it light up.

“I love my Christmas sweater!” He put his hand up to his heart and fake gasped, “How dare you!” You both laughed as he brought you closer to give you a kiss.

A/N: I recently wrote this one, but I wanted to post it because it's Christmas Eve! Calum's is gonna be tomorrow :) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE <3 

-gabby :~)

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