Friends Or More ♡ l.h.

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"Are we friends or are we more? As I'm walking towards the door, I'm not sure?" you listened to the One Direction set for the 100th time. Are we friends or are we more? The line echoed in your brain and you couldn't help but think of Luke. Luke. You've been friends since before you could remember, and it wasn't until a few months ago did your crush begin to develop. You look over to where Luke was joking around the boys to find him already looking at you. Your eyes met for a split second and your stomach flipped.

"Y/N," he smiled walking over to you, "What are you thinking about?" He puts his arm around you and your legs feel like jello.

"Um uh nothing," your face turns a bright red.

"Y/N I've known you for so long, I know when you are thinking about something important so tell me pleaseeeeeeeee." He gives you the puppy face and your heart melts.

"Um just well this song, it makes me think," you try to convince yourself you shouldn't tell him, but he was gonna guess it anyway.

"same," you heard him mumble and your faces becomes hot, "So which line?" His face turns red when he realizes you heard him.

"Um the are we friends-" you get cut off.

"HEY HEY HEY WHAT DO WE HAVE OVER HERE?" Calum comes and separates you and Luke and you can hear Luke groan.

"Calum please not now," Luke tries to push Calum away and Calum raises his eyebrows. He eyes turned deep blue as he continued to shoo Calum away.

"Oh um I think I'm gonna go talk to Mike, bye Lukey," you began to walk towards Ashton and Michael.

"CALUM PLEASE GO AWAY," Luke yells, "Wait Y/N come here I need to tell you something," You snap your head around and see his face soften and his face is a light shade of pink.

You walk over to Luke and sigh, "Yes Lukey,"

"Um we- we weren't done," you tried to continue what you were trying to say, "No please, just let me, I need to tell you something. Please?" He had his hands in yours and the anticipation was killing you.

"Luke you're killing me just tell me," you groaned, you didn't know what he was gonna say, but you didn't get a good feeling about it.

"Y/N, I think- can we- I know- well I love you Y/N," he forces a smile and you stand there shocked.

"Luke...." You sigh, you loved him back you knew it when he told you but it was just too overwhelming.

"No Y/N it's fine, you don't like me like that and I just fucked everything up," he gets frustrated and puts his head in his hands and sits down on a nearby bench.

"Luke..." you bend down and put your hand on his shoulder, "I love you too."

A/N: hi yes 7k reads is insane are your comments are honestly so cute and they make me really happy :)
So how about 8 votes?
-gabby x

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