Fluff ♡ l.h.

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"C'mon babe we have to get up," Luke groans as he pulls the covers off, you groan and pull them back on. "(Y/N) we have to get ready," you turn to face him and open one eye, "Noooooooo," you put your head in the crook of his neck and close your eyes. 

"Alright fine I'll get up, but when I get out of the shower I expect you to be up," he kisses you and goes in the bathroom. You pick yourself up with the comforter and go to lay on the couch, you turn on some cartoons. 

You hear Luke come out of the shower, "Aw you look too cute." you look up and he is drying his hair, "But this isn't what I meant by getting up," he giggled and sat next to you on the couch, you didn't budge. "Hey what's up? You alright?" he gave you a big hug then leaned in for a kiss.

"Stop. You know what's wrong," you look at him then back at the TV.

"Why are you so grumpy (Y/N)," He pokes your stomach and you wince, "Alright I'm leaving, there's no point in hanging around here if all you're going to do is watch cartoons."

"Luke no stay," you whine as he walks out the front door. You put your hand on your stomach and groaned, fuck being a woman.

Luke came back a half hour later with shopping bags. He walked over to the couch where he had left you, "Look I'm sorry, I should have known," he puts his arm around you and puts your head in his shoulder, "But I have everything you need." He goes to the shopping bags and pulls out a bath bomb, he picks you up and brings you to the bathroom.

"Thanks Lukey, you didn't have to do this," you kiss his nose and run the bath. 

"I did (Y/N), I don't like seeing you like this," he left and closed the door behind him. You went in the bath and relaxed, it was so relaxing. When you got out and got dressed you could smell brownies, you ran down the stairs and sure enough he had made a pan of brownies and a cup of tea in the mug you decorated together. "This isn't necessary Luke," you walk to the table to grab a brownie and your cup of tea, "But thanks." he smiled and walked over to you and kissed you. 

"So I bought all the Toy Story movies on DVD, if you want to watch those or we can go on Netflix and rent one," you follow him to the couch where he pulled off the back cushions so both of you can comfortably sit.

"Toy Story is perfect," you lay down next to him and spend the rest of the day watching your favorite Disney movie with your favorite boy. He would constantly ask if you were okay and kept kissing you and hugging you and combing your hair with his fingers. 

A/N: ok this is kinda cute and short but mostly cute :-) -gabby

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