Just Friends ♡ l.h.

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"Luke if I meet you at the airport then I'm going to have to meet the boys!" You whine to your best friend Luke over the phone, who was currently in LA with his band waiting for his flight back home.

"But you have to meet them sooner or later, I can't believe we've known each other for 14 years and you still haven't met my bandmates you dork!" he laughs into the phone, my god you miss his laugh.

"Just- I just- fine," you surrender, "I'll go!"

"Okay bye Y/N see you at the airport!" Luke grins.
"Luke who's Y/N?" a voice in the background says, "Does my little Lukey have himself a girlfriend?!"

"No stop she's like my sister ew!" he yells back, "Sorry about them they get really excited about this kinda stuff," he laughs.

"I can tell, they sound really fun," you roll your eyes, they are just like Luke, "Can't wait to see you!"

"I know I miss my lil sis," he laughs, "Okay so I'll see you at the airport?"

"Fine, you'll see me at the airport, bye!" you giggle and hang up.


"Y/N!" Luke comes racing towards where you and his family stood. You copied his actions and ran straight into his arms, "I missed you so much Y/N! You're coming with us next tour okay?" You nodded and nuzzled your head in the crook of his next.

"I missed you so much," you whispered. You pulled away and noticed his face was a like crimson color and his eyes teary, "Luke are you crying! You big baby!" you teased.

"Can't I miss my favorite sister? Or is that illegal?" he rubs his eyes and laughs. He puts you on his back and piggybacks you to where the rest of his family is.

"Luke got yourself a girlfriend I didn't know of, I'm hurt!" a male voice from behind you says, Luke looks at you and you both roll your eyes.

"Cal go back to your family!" He laughs.

"Boys, this is Y/N, Y/N, these are the boy, Michael, Ashton and Calum.," Luke beans, you and Luke were standing in the parking lot with his band members.

"So you're the girl who has been distracting Luke," the boy with the oddly colored hair said, he pulls you away from Luke and into a hug, you awkwardly wait until he lets go and cower back to Luke's side where his hand is wrapped around your shoulder and your face is half hidden in his chest.

"Oh! Now I get it," Ashton wiggles his eyebrows, "You're Luke's girlyfriend," he giggles.

"How did you manage to get such a pretty girl while on tour?" Calum gawks, and you start to laugh, "What did I say?" Calum defends.

"Tell them," Luke whispers to you and you shake your head giggling.

"I'm confused," Michael stated, "Y/N just tell us,"

"Don't be shy," Luke nudges you. You shake your head and hide in his hoodie.

"Me and Y/N aren't dating that's all," Luke shrugs.

"Oh well hello there Y/N, I'm Michael," Michael introduces himself to you taking your hand and brushing his lips against your knuckles. You give him a strange glare and Luke coughs, making you pull your hand away.

"Yeah, no," he puts a protective arm around your waist, "So boys we're gonna go,"
"It was nice meeting you Y/N!" Ashton smiles.

"Yeah great meeting you," Calum waves.

"I hope Luke brings you around more often!" Michael winks.

"Nice to meet you guys too! Hope to see you around," You wave and follow Luke to his car.

"Why did they think we were dating, that's ridiculous?!" you laugh.

"I know, that's insane we're just friends!" he joins you laughing. You look up into his eyes, while he looks down.

"Um, but maybe- nahhhh," you awkwardly laugh away the thought of you and Luke together.

someone told me to write a part 2 should i? -gabby

Oh and comment more pls I really like your comments

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