Baking ♡ m.c.

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"Mikey can we do something else?" you were sitting in his lap with his arms around you playing video games. You turn your head so your faces are inches apart.

"Like what?" He pauses the game and inches his face closer. You shrug your shoulders and shake your head, "We could watch a movie?" you shake your head, "We could order some food?"

You smile, "How about make some? I think we have the ingredients for cake!" He groans.

"But ordering is so much easier," you put your lips on his and he smiles, it's one of the only ways you can get what you want.

"But it's more fun," you get up from his lap and take his hand and lead him to the kitchen.

You find a recipe on your phone and take out the ingredients and start to put them in the bowls. "Mikey can you get me another bowl." 

You finally finish the cake and you are cleaning the counter, your head is tilted leaving your neck open. Michael comes up behind you wraps his arms around your face and starts kissing your next. "Stop it I'm cleaning," you giggle trying to push his head away. 

He is now giving you little pecks up your neck and jaw line, nibbling a little. "Stop it," you turn your head and he puts his lips on yours. You smile and play along, he pushes his tongue in and you let it explore your mouth. He picks you up so you are eye level and you wrap your legs around his, giving him an easier time. He puts you on the counter and starts kissing your neck again. 

You pull away from his lips just enough so you can make out the words, "We only have 30 minutes," you bite your lips and look into his eyes.

"That's enough time," he smiles and bites your lip. 

Y/N: short and sweet because I didn't feel comfortable writing the rest lol -gabby :~)

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