Exes ♡ a.i.

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“Ashton go try this shirt on,” I threw yet another shirt to the pile of clothes my boyfriend was holding.

“Y/N don’t you think I have enough clothes,” Ashton whined following me to the dressing rooms.

“Ash you wear the same four shirts everyday, the fans know it, I know it, go in and try them on!” I pushed him into an empty dressing room before sitting down on a chair in front of it.

“Hey babe, this shirt it a little small can you get me another size?” he holds out a shirt from the curtain.

“Kay, be right back!” I takes the shirt and goes back into the store.

Ashton’s POV:

I changed into a pair of jeans and the button up Y/N had just given me to try on. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair before stepping out of the room.
“Babe how does this look?” I walk out only to find Y/N missing and none other than my previous girlfriend, Hallie, standing there.
“Oh Ashton I didn’t know you were in there,” she giggled twirling the end of her hair.

“Um yeah, Y/N?” i awkwardly looked out into the store to look for any sign of her.

“I’ve missed you ya know?” Hallie smiled and giggled again.

“Um cool,” I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk back into the dressing room.

“Didn’t you miss me?” She smiled and blocked the entrance.

“Nope,” I tried to push her away, but she was more persistent than ever.

“Really not even a little,” she smiled and twirled her hair more, “I missed you so much, I’m sorry for what I did,”

I groaned, “No you don’t,” where is Y/N.


I walked around the store hoping to find a bathroom. I went to go to Ashton when I saw them, Ashton and another girl, who was so much prettier than me talking. She was flirting and his back was facing me.

“Ashton?” I questioned, I was hurt.

“Babe there you are,” he walked over to be and went in for a kiss. I turned my head so he kissed my cheek.
“Ash, who’s this?” I pointed at the fake girl standing in front of him.

“Oh um this is-” he got cut off.

“I’m Hallie, me and Ash had a fling before you,” she faked smiled. I looked up at Ashton whose face was pale and hands were clenched.

“Anyway I gotta go!” She fake smiled again, “Nice seeing you Ashton, I missed you.” and with that she trotted off.

“Babe it’s not what you think…” he trailed off.

“Why?” I looked at my feet, “Why did you break up with her?”

“Um well no, she- she uh broke up with me,” My heart sank, she was so much prettier than me, he could’ve had another chance with her, she told him that she missed him of course me and Ash were over.

“Oh,” I couldn’t find the words to say, “So go back to her, I don’t mind,”
“Look Y/N please don’t be mad at me,” He pleaded, “Yes she broke up with me, and I was heartbroken when she did, but I found you, and I love you so much more than I ever liked her! If you think that I’m gonna go back to her, I will never go back to that hell of a relationship. As of right now I want you and only you,” Ashton pleaded.

“Really?” I looked up into his eyes and he nodded.

A/N: don't like how i wrote it : / any waysssss enjoy :) -gabby 8 votes :-D

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