Tell Me ♡ m.c.

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You were at Michael's house with the rest of the boys watching TV resting your head on Calum and Michael took your legs.

"I'm hungry," Luke whined sitting on the floor, "Michael what do you have to eat?"

"Nothing, we could order?" Michael pushed your feet off his legs and sat up, "What do you want Y/N?" He tried to make eye contact, which made Calum shift positions so you were lying on his chest.

"Um whatever Calum wants," you smiled back and saw his eyes tint red.

"Pizza's fine," Calum added putting his arm around you, Michael tensed.

"Mike, are you okay?" you asked Michael. You've known him almost all your life, you knew when something was up.

You heard Ashton mumble something into Michael's ears and he nodded.

"Y/N," he hesitated, "C-c-can I talk to you, l-like in, pr-private?" You groaned and looked at Calum. You liked Calum and you knew Calum liked you, but neither of you had admitted it to one another. Calum nodded and took his arm from your waist and you stood up. Michael guided you to the back porch and onto a bench. You sat in silence for a few seconds.

"I have to tell you something," you both managed to say at the same time.

Michael looked shocked then whispered, "You first."

You shook your head, "No you wanted to talk, so go."

You heard him take a deep breath, "Y/N. I- I think- No I know that I like you-"

You cut him off, "I like you too Michael!" you gave him a friendly hug.

He shook his head, "Let me finish," he pulled away and looked into your eyes, you knew what he was going to say, but you didn't want to hear it, "I'm falling in love with you, I have been since we were 12, but I couldn't find the guts to tell you." You shook your head, "What's wrong? What did you want to tell me?" His voice shook.

You held back tears in your eyes, "I can't tell you." You pulled him in for a hug, but he backed away.

"Y/N, tell me, respond, you can tell me anything okay?" He forced a smiled, but his eyes filled with despair.

"Well I was going to tell you that I liked Calum, but-" you broke down crying, "Now- I- Think-ithinkiloveyou" you sobbed between each word rushing. Michael didn't respond, "Michael what?" you looked up and found Michael smiling.

He cupped your face with his hands and brushed the tears away, "Don't cry, I think I love you too." And with that your lips made his way to his mouth, his lips were soft and warm.

"Michael, can I ask you something," you pulled away.

"What is it?" he nodded and smiled.

"What about Calum?" he rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Forget about him," He gave you a warm smile, and poked your cheek, He knew how to cheer you up. You giggled.

A/N: argh it sucks -gabby xx

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