Don't Leave Me ♡ l.h.

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"@Y/T/N luke doesnt love you your just a hook up"

"@Y/T/N lol stop hanging around luke"

"@Y/T/N ur just a groupie get a grip and fuck off"

Thousands of tweets just as harsh as those filled your mentions, as they have been for the entire 6 months you and Luke Hemmings, from 5 Seconds of a Summer, had gone public with you're relationship. Six months later and the hate is increasing and becoming worse.

"@Y/T/N go kill urself Luke's mine"

You didn't understand why all the fans hated you. All you did was fall in love why were you getting punished? You went to compose a tweet:

@Y/T/N: sometimes it's just not worth it :-/

@Y/T/N: you just gotta let go

You put everything Luke gave you in the past 7 months into an empty box; the picture frames, his clothes he let you keep, a necklace, a bracelet and the bear you and he made on your first date. You sat down next to the large bin and sighed, sometimes you need to let go of what you love if it hurts too much. A few tears began to form in the corner of your eyes as you closed the bin and put your shoes on.

You laced your shoes wiping away the tears threatening to fall. You pulled out your phone and began to call Luke, he picked up on the third ring, "Hey babe!"

"Um hi Luke," your voice wary.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned. Just that question almost made you cry again.

"Where are you right now?" You asked.

"I'm at Ashton's with the band just finishing up practice for the tour, why?"

"I need to talk to you..." You paused, "Like right now face-to-face,"

"You're scaring me, is everything alright?" His voice becoming a whisper.

"Um I don't know," you voice shakes, "Can you come over or I can meet you at your house?"

"I'll be there in five!" Luke said.

"YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR GUITAR AWAY IDIOT!" You heard one of the boys yell.

"Make that ten?" He giggles. You force a laugh realizing how hard it's gonna be to tell him.

"Bye," you whisper into the receiver hanging up. You put your head in your hands and groaned. He didn't do anything to deserve this, you're gonna end it because you're being a giant wimp who can't handle a little hate. Thoughts like these were parading through your mind causing more tears to fall and soon you found yourself silently sobbing to yourself.

The doorbell went off interrupting your pity party. It was Luke, you ran into the bathroom to try to make yourself more presentable.

"BABE I'M HERE," Luke calls from downstairs. You took a deep breath and looked in the mirror one last time before heading to your room. You took the box from off your bed and you blinked back tears. Your heart hurt with each step closer to Luke. You entered the living room, where he sat on the couch playing with his phone. You put the box in his lap and wiped away your tears. He put his phone down and looked up, "Y/N what's going on?" He panicked when he saw your raw eyes.

"O-open the box," you hesitated. He lifts the box and sees all the stuff he had given you, he sifted the box his heart stopped.

"Y/N," he stuttered, "Wh-why?" he sniffed, his nose was turning red as his eyes became watery, "Wh-what ha-happened?"

You sat next to him, the box lying on his lap and his eyes gawking at the sight, "I can't do this anymore Luke," he looked up and tried to catch your focus, but failed, "Have you checked twitter recently?" He hesitantly nodded, "So you've seen the hate I-"

"BUT WE CAN GET PAST THIS! YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE UP ON US!" he yells, cutting you off and standing up.


"It's going to get better, I-I promise!" he shouted back.

"IT'S GETTING WORSE LUKE! THEY'RE CALLING ME A SLUT AND TELLING ME TO DIE AND I-I CAN'T HANDLE THIS! Whatever we have, I can probably find it again with someone else you can too..." you whispered the last part.

"I can't find it anywhere else because no one else will ever see me as just Luke like you did..." Tears were streaming down his face causing yours to fall faster.

"And the thing that hurts the most Luke is you're not saying anything, you're not telling them off, you're letting them call me a groupie like it's true!" you sighed and put your head in your hands as you sat down.

"I can tell them off, I'll do whatever you want me to do, except leave. I can't do that," he puts an arm around you and puts you head on his chest rubbing your back.

"Why not? It'll be easier for both of us," you spoke into his chest.

"It won't be easy for me because-" he stops to take a breath. You pull away from him and he locks his eyes onto yours, "because I'm in love with you." Your breath cuts short as you let in a gasp, "that's why I can't let you go, because I love you so much it hurts, and I was gonna tell you properly like out on a date when I figure out why I love you, but you can't leave me. I see us getting married and having kids, I'm sorry if I'm scaring you, but I need this to last," he pleaded. You reevaluated every memory you and he had over the past 7 months.

"I love you too," you breathed.

A/N: my newer writings are like 10000x better bc of grammar class B-)

aka guess what i went to wwa on saturday and 5sos was so fucking good i almost cried and i have the cutest pictures of them i sob


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