So Beautiful ♡ l.h.

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Luke’s POV:


The guys had sat me down on the couch for a quick band meeting of who knows what, “What did you guys want?” I questioned taking the armchair sat next to the couch.

"We need to talk about Anjie," Ashton spoke up.

"What about her?" I felt my cheeks get hot, I knew what was going to be said, they were gonna tease me about her, because I liked her because every time her name was brought up my eyes would light up and my stomach would flip.

Calum patted me on the back, “You need to tell her how you feel mate, before someone else does.”

"I don’t like her-" I began to say, before someone else does, what does he mean, “What do you mean someone else?”

“Umm nothing just tell her,” Michael avoids eye contact.



Here goes nothing, I pull out my guitar from its case and pull a chair to the middle of the empty stage and set up a mic. I heard a door open then slam shut and some whispers.

Back to Imagine POV (idk what it’s called):

 “Ashton why are we here?” He pulled me into the empty theatre.

“Um… I uh told you we want you to see it before we perform, to get your uh, your approval,” he stuttered before dragging you into the dark arena, “Um I’m gonna turn on the lights, bye” Ashton quickly ran off.

A spotlight appears on the stage and there’s a figure sitting on a chair holding a guitar. You walk closer to find out that the figure is none other then Luke Hemmings, you feel your heart racing and your mouth become dry. He starts to play the first few chords of the song;

You are so beautiful

To me
You are so beautiful

To Me

Can’t you see

You’re everything I hope for

You’re everything I need

You could hear the passion in his voice as it glided around the empty venue.

You are so beautiful to me

As the words glided off his tongue you felt tears prickle in your eyes. Luke Hemmings thought you were beautiful, out of all the girls in the world he could have he liked me, he wanted me. You watched as he finished the last line and sighed. You couldn’t hold in your tears any longer.

“Um Anjie can I uh tell you something,” he pulled you up on stage and noticed your tears, “Why are you crying was it bad?”

You shock your head, “Thank you. For the song, thank you,” He pulled you into a hug and nuzzled his head into your shoulder. You pulled away and he put his hands to your face and gently brushed away your tears with his thumbs.

“Um well I kind of like you a lot and well, do you want to go out like on a date?”

A/N: I thought of the idea when i was watching x factor auditions because one of the contestants sang this song and i thought it would be cute :) hope you liked it! 5 more votes?! -gabby

ps sorry for the late update im v busy xox

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