Dear Darlin' ♡ l.h.

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22 texts, 16 missed calls, 8 messages. All from Luke. You don’t want to talk since the fight, but you miss him, a lot. You feel a buzz and check to see it’s Michael call you, you groan but at least it’s not Luke.


"(Y/N) are you okay?"

"Yes fine, why are you calling?"

"You haven’t talked to us in days I wanted to make sure you were okay?"

"Mhmm," you lie.

"You don’t sound okay, do you want to come over?"


"Why? I’m worried"

"Luke’s going to be there."

"No he won’t, just you and me, we can go out to eat and just talk"

"Um fine"

"Okay can you come in like an hour?"

"Yeah whatever"

You didn’t want to hang out with Luke’s friends, but all Michael  wanted to do was talk how bad could that be?

You got ready and headed over to Michael’s, you didn’t bother putting on anything special it was just Michael.

You walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"Hey," it was Luke. You turned around and walked to the sidewalk and sat down, you wanted to talk to him, but at the same time you were mad at him. 

"Hey (Y/N) are you okay?" you felt two arms lift you up on to your feet and hug you. You open your eyes and it was Michael.

"You said he wasn’t going to be here," you were breathing heavily, "You. Said. It. Was. Just. Going. To. Be-" you choke back tears, "You. And. Me." Michael picked you up and forced you inside.

"Look you two need to talk, I can’t stand to see either of you this way." Michael places you on the couch close to Luke, "I don’t know what happened but fix it please."

You look up and Luke’s eyes are red, there are bags under your eyes and his hair is unusually messed up. He hasn’t slept for days. He sighs and grabs his guitar from next to the couch. “Look (Y/N) I just need you to listen.” He starts strumming the opening chords of Dear Darlin’, he knows that song makes you tear. 

Dear darlin’ please excuse my writing. 

I can’t stop my hands from shaking.

'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

You look into his eyes and can’t help but smile. As he finishes the last few lines tears well up in his eyes causing him to choke on a few words.

And I miss you and nothing hurts like no you.

And no one understands what we went through.

It was short. It was sweet. We tried.

We tried.

He pulls off his guitar and puts his head on his hands. You walk over and put your hand on his back. He looks up at you and you lean in for a kiss. He pulls you in and kisses you harder. 

"I’m so sorry (Y/N), I was stupid, it wasn’t worth the hell I went through over the past few days," he cupped your face with his hands, "I can’t imagine what being away from you forever would feel like, and I don’t want to live it, please forgive me."

You wipe your tears and nod. The blue in his eyes lighten and he smiles. He pulls you in for a tight embrace then kisses you.

"I missed you too Luke," you smile kissing him harder.

A/N: ok i wrote this really late and i was tired but idk enjoy :~))

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