In Love With You ♡ m.c.

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You called up Luke, one of your best friends who was currently in the band 5 Seconds of Summer. "Yooooo neighbor," he answers the phone, "What's up Y/N?"

"Um I have something big to confess and I didn't know who else to call," you had just come to the realization that you had fallen hard for Luke's bandmate and your best friend, Michael Clifford.

"This sounds serious," Luke says, "Are you ok?"

"Um it kinda is, I'm fine it's just..." you swallow and take a deep breath, "ithinkiminlovewithmichael," you rush out.

"WHAT?!?" you heard Luke scream, "I'M COMING OVER RIGHT NOW!"


"LUUUUKKEEEE!" Michael calls from his grandma's flat.

"Yes!" Luke walks into where the band rehearses and sits on the closest chair.

"You know our friend, Y/N?" Michael says.

"Of course I do Michael she's your best friend,"

"And yours! Well anyway, I think I might be in love with her..." he mumbles, Luke just laughs, "Hey don't laugh! She's got the most amazing eyes, and her hair always smells like vanilla, and her smile literally warms my heart and everytime she looks at me my heart melts and when she laughs too hard she doesn't make a noise and just starts shak- holy shit I love her so much."

"Maybe you should tell her, you know- before the tour," Luke sighs.


It's been 2 weeks since you told Luke about your feelings towards Michael. They boys have been really distant lately so you haven't been able to tell Michael how you feel.

"You have to tell him soon before it's too late," Luke is lying on your bed and you're lying next to him.

"I know I know," you sit up and look at him, "What do you mean by too late?"


"How's the band coming along?"

"It's amaz-good yeah we have a few fans, we're writing a little,"

"Oh okay,"

"Do you know how you're gonna tell Michael?"

"No maybe just face-to-face,"

"Well hurry remember what I told you, don't be too late,"


"We leave for tour tomorrow Michael!" Luke yells.

"I know don't remind me!" he puts his head in his hands, "I just I forgot okay, I've been so caught up in tour prep, I'm a terrible person," he pulls out the piece of folded paper from his pocket and re-read it.

Too Late

"Are you packed?" Luke shook his head and laughed breathlessly.

"Yeah," Michael sighed.


Today is the day, you were going to Michael's house to tell him that you love him, you have it all planned out. He was going to open the door and you were gonna lean in and give him a giant kiss with all the love you have for him put into it, then walk into his house and sit on his couch and just come out an say it. You got to his door and knocked: no answer. You looked for his spare key under the door mat and let yourself in.

"Michael?" you shouted, walking up to his room, "Michael?!" you repeated. Opening the door of his room, you found it almost empty with a letter sitting on the bed. As you got closer to it you read the name on the envelope "Y/N" written in Michael's messy handwriting. You sat on his bed and opened the letter, a CD slipped out along with a letter.

Dear Y/N,

I love you, I'm just going to come right out and say it. Luke told me you loved me back, and he told me to tell you before it was too late, well guess what, it's too late, I wish I could've told you in person to hear to tell me you love me back and then we could kiss and everything will be alright, but no I can't. You're probably wondering where I am, me and the boys are on tour and won't be back for a while. Call me after you read this, please, I am probably either missing you or not sleeping because I miss you too much.

I love you because, you have the most amazing eyes, and your hair always smells like vanilla, and your smile literally warms my heart and everytime you look at me my heart melts and when you laughs too hard you don't make a noise and just starts shaking really really hard and you're really mean me, but I'm mean to you, and it works. Every time you give me attention I get really giddy even if it's just the two of us.

I wrote you a song and me and the boys recorded it so play the CD.

I love you,


P.S. Call me ;-)

Your eyes were watering as you quickly dialed Michael's number, he picked up within seconds, "I love you," was the first thing you told him as soon as he answered. You then began to cry into the reciever.

"Why are you crying, did I do something wrong?" Michael panicked.

"No I just love you so goddamn much Michael, you're perfect, I haven't listened to the song yet but your note made me cry, I love you I love you I love you."

"Can you talk to our manager because I want you next to me right now," Michael sniffed, "He can get you on a plane and come out on tour with us because I wanna kiss you in person."

"Yes, please," you breathed into the phone.

A/N: I think this is too long lol oops :-)


Sorry I haven't updated!! I was in London :-) on vacation. But thank you for 300k reads and 3.7k votes!!

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