He's Back ♡ a.i.

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It’s been 2 months without Ashton, you’ve gotten used to the empty bed and empty house. The lonely nights spent on twitter talking to fans and the occasional 2 minute skypes when he was working. You didn’t miss him anymore you just felt an empty presence in your house as if someone was supposed to be there. You switched the month of the calendar and saw a date circled a 2-week from today’s date. You check your phone calendar and realize it’s the day Ashton’s coming back; you had a picture of him kissing your cheek when you were laughing. All the feeling’s you’ve ever felt towards him had tidal waved into your brain, you found yourself crying over him once again. Your heart felt empty like it had the first night he left. You checked him skype praying he was online, you checked his twitter for some sort of knowledge to where he was. Nothing. No tweets since a day ago, his skype was offline and no airport pictures incase he decided to surprise you, nothing. The thought of him being gone made your tears fall faster. You decided to shower and fall asleep early, how could I last 2 more weeks if I can’t last this one night, with thought like those you cried yourself to sleep. You had nightmares about Ashton coming back and not loving you any more, all ending the same, one last kiss before he leaves. You are slowly gaining your consciousness back when you feel a warm pair of lips on your, and you begin to scream and wake yourself up. You open your eyes to find yourself looking into very familiar hazel eyes. “Ashton?” you whisper. Your throat become dry and you wrap your arms around him and cry into his shoulder, “What are you doing back? I thought you forgot about me…” You whispered again.

“I would never forget about you, Y/N,” He kissed the top of your head, “I came back to make sure you were still here, I missed you so much Y/N,” You pulled back and giggled, “You said Y/N twice.”
“I know I just missed calling you, Y/N” he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Your lips touched for the second time today, except this time you pulled him in, closer, your stomach flipped as your kiss deepened. He pulled away and gave you a dorky smile, “I love you so much, Y/N.”

You giggled because he called you again, “I love you too, Ashton.”

A/N: okay this is short but really cute aw -gabbyx

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