Maybe Later ♡ a.i.

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"Sorry didn't see you there," a giggly Australian said bumping into you.

"Well maybe if you looked where you were going you wouldn't have bumped into me," you smirked walking past him.

"Well maybe if you grew a few inches or wore like heels I'd be able to see you," he smirked causing you to turn around.
"Make me," your entire body was facing him now, your noses just inches away from touching. He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"I'm Irwin, Ashton Irwin," he mimicked the 007 character then giggled, pulling away from your stare down, "I'm not actually that big of a jerk I just get nervous around beautiful girls," he cheekily smiled.

"You're cheeky Irwin, I'm Y/N," you smiled back.

"Nice name, but I'm gonna call you babe, is that okay?" he smirked again, revealing the dimples that enclosed his lips.

"My parents wrote Y/N on my birth certificate, so I'd like to be called Y/N," you raised your eyebrow. He looked shocked at your comeback, so you turned around and tried to walk down the hall.

"Okay... Sassy," he smirked making you infuriated. You've only just met the guy and he's already making your palms sweat and your pulse rise.

"So Ashton, what else is there too you?" you questioned.

"Well I'm in the band that's performing here, and the rest is locked unless you want to go on a date with me?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I uh can't," you shook your head, he was your boss' client, you had to work with him on this tour you couldn't fall for a client.

"Oh um, why not?" the smirk disappeared from his face, and his eyes lowered.

"I have to focus on work sorry," you gave him a small smile. His entire face sombered, causing him to look like a sad puppy.

"Well what is your work maybe I could help," he chirped, "I really like you Y/N, and I know we just met and all, but I want to try us."

Wow he was persistent, "Um I'm helping set up your instruments and stuff on your tour," his eyes brightened, "Maybe we could get to know each other first, okay?"

"So are you saying that if I ask you later you'll say yes?" He's smiled widened and his dimpled deepened.

You nodded walking down the hallway towards the stage to see if they needed any help. About 20 minutes later you felt someone behind you and you turned around.
"Hi Ashton," you said in monotone.

"Hi, I'm Ashton I'm 19 and I play those drums right over there," he pointed to the drum set on stage, "For the band 5 Seconds of Summer, I'm a little hyperactive at times, and I really love rainbows and ponies, sometimes my fans tell me I'm the least punk rock out of the band, but I don't care, What?" he gave you a 8 year old smile, and noticed the look on your face, which must've read 'what are you doing?'

"Why did you tell me that?" you laughed.

"Because you said, and I quote 'maybe we could get to know each other first' and I just told you a whole list about me, so can I take you on a date please," he begged pouting.

"Ok, fine, you can take me on a date," you sighed, he grabbed you into a tight bear hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you," he whispered in your ear, "I have to go to the dressing room, but you won't regret this!" Ashton said galloping off the stage.

A/N: idk kinda cute lol -gabby x

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