Meeting In America ♡ 5sos

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You went into the city today praying that you would meet 5 Seconds Of Summer. It was late and you were sitting at a table in the middle of Times Square exhausted from all the walking that you did that day, when you see a purple haired boy walk in front of you. It looked just like Michael from behind, so curiously you said, "Michael," hoping it was him. He turned around confused and you went into shock. Your first instinct was to wave so you did and he walked over. 

"Hey," he pulled a chair up and fixed his hair, "You know my name, but I don't know yours, and I'm finding a problem with this." He smiled.

You were still in shock but managed to whisper your name. "Um sorry I didn't get that," he looked confused yet eager.

"It's (Y/N)," you go into your bag and pull out a water bottle to calm down.

"Hey Michael," Ashton was walking over, "We were going to go into that giant toy store, wanna come?" Ashton points to the giant ToysRUs just a block away.

"Umm," he looks at you then back at Ashton, "No thanks I'll stay here with (Y/N), if that's alright with you." 

"That's totally okay with me," you give Michael a cheeky smile, "We can meet you there later, I guess." You smile at Ashton.

"Alright, just don't have too much fun," Ashton winks then walks away.


"Please try this one on!" your friend was shoving what looked like underwear in your face.

"No! That shirt barely covers anything," you held it up and it was a shirt, you think, with a heart shape cutout back, sides that would show your bra. Not to mention how it barely covered your stomach, "There is nothing that you could do to make me try this on."

You passed her the shirt and she held on to it. You went to the opposite side of the section only to see two really attractive guys. They must've heard you because they were giggling. When they saw you stare at them they stopped talking, you couldn't help but smile because the taller of the two was really attractive. He had blonde hair clear blue eyes, and small dimples that were only visible when he smiled.

"I'll make you a deal (Y/N)," your friend came skipping around, "If you try this shirt on I'll-" you jabbed her in the stomach, as your face turned red. She made eye contact with the boys and smiled, "Could one of you help me make her try this on." You turned pink as you made awkward eye contact with the blonde again, "Sorry wait, I'm Lily and this is (Y/N)," she smiled again. You two have been friends for ages, she was always the loud one who convinced you to do the craziest stuff, but this by far was the worst she has humiliated you. You awkwardly waved. The other boy, who had dark hair and puppy eyes stepped forward, "Well first things first, I'm Calum and this..." he stopped realizing his friend had slipped away when Lily was talking, "Well this was Luke, but now he's gone." He rolled his eyes.

"Look Lily we both know nothing was going to make me try that shirt on, let's go," you pull her arm.

"No I think Calum can help," she gave you a fake smiled and continued to talk. You groaned as you left Lily. 

"She's so annoying," you spoke under your breath.

"Who?" the blonde was standing in front of you smiling.

"Oh, my friend," you said immediately regretting it, "She likes to embarrass me, a lot." he laughed.

"Calum doesn't help her situation," he fixed his hair and you giggled, "So are you sure there isn't anything that would make you try on that shirt?" he stepped forward, it was tempting to look into his eyes.

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