Better? ♡ l.h.

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His POV:

I was sitting in my room playing around with my guitar until my phone rang.

"Hey babe what's up?" I put down my guitar and picked up my girlfriend Ebony's call.

"L-l-luk-k-ke c-can y-you p-please c-come over?" she stuttered. Her voice was heartbreaking, she sounded as if she was going to break down into tears at any moment.

"I'll be right over, what's the matter? Are you alright?" I panicked racing to get my house keys.

"I-I just need y-you," She choked out.

"Mom I'm going to Y/N's I have my phone!" I yelled before racing over to her house. When I got to her house I found her spare key in the plant next to her front door and opened it. "Y/N/N I'm here!"

She came racing down the stairs and embraced me.

Her POV:

"Y/N/N I'm here!" that was Luke, Luke finally. I went running down the steps and straight into his arms. It was only seconds before I began to sob into his chest.

"Shhhh," he rubbed my back, "Let it out, then tell me what's up okay?" I nodded. This is why I loved Luke, he waited until I was ready to talk. He let me cry into his shirt until I was all out of tears and he cared.

"Can we go to the couch?" I whispered, he nodded pulling away for a second. He lifted me up and placed me on couch and then laying down himself. He pulled me up so he was half sitting, and I was leaning on his chest in between his legs.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" Luke leaned in and whispered then kissed my cheek.

"Nothing really I just had a really bad day. My parents are out on a business trip, my friends are all hanging out together without me and I missed you," I felt my cheeks redden when I said the last part. Saying it out loud it didn't sound too bad, but it felt way worse.

"I get bad days sometimes, but I'm here now so you can't miss me," He cheekily smiled and pecked my cheek, "Are you better?"

I poked his dimple, "Of course now that you're here I feel much better." I lazily smiled and tilted my chin so I was looking at him upside down. His cheeks reddened as he pecked me on the lips.

"So do you want to watch a movie or...?" He asked.

"Can we watch Teen Wolf?" you smirked knowing he hated that show.

"What ever makes you feel better," He reached for the remote and passed it to you. You were shocked by his answer.

"Did you know I love you?" you smiled, he's letting you watch a show he didn't like because he knew it would make you feel better.

He looked shocked then his face turned into a smile, "I love you too."

awww <3 -gabby
I'm soooo sorry I'm trying to keep up my grades this semester because my past grades suck and it's gonna be really hard to get into a college erghh

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