Stressed ♡ a.i.

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You hear the front doorknob jiggle the door open and slam. “LYLA ARE YOU HERE?” you heard the boys yell from the front of your house. 

"YEAH UP HERE." you yell from your desk. You were sat at your desk trying to write your maid of honor speech for your older sisters wedding.

"Hey what’s up?" Ashton shows up in the doorway showing off his infamous dimples. He walks over and looks over your shoulder.

"I’m in the middle of something right now," your voice has a hint of annoyance in it. You were starting to get stressed because whatever you wrote didn’t sound right.

"Whatcha doing then?" You didn’t take your eyes off the screen as he spoke.

"I’m trying to write my speech for my sisters wedding okay," your face started to turn light pink as you angrily deleted the last sentence you wrote.

Ashton took a step away from you, “Oh sorry,” his tone echoed sorrow. You turned to see his head tilted down as he left the room.

"Ashton wait," you closed your laptop and he turned around, "I’m sorry I’m just really stressed because every time I write something it doesn’t say what I meant it to say!" you yell in frustration and your face got hot as you felt tears race down your face. Ashton raced over to you and put his arm around you, "Hey calm down, breath it’s going to be okay." Your breath hitched before letting out more sobs.

"It’s not, I’m never gonna get this right…" He comes over and gives you a bear hug and kissed the top of your head. 

"You need to de-stress, lets finish this tomorrow, kay?" hey nods a little when he finished.No I need to finish this now right now, the thought ran through your mind but you looked into his honey tinted hazel eyes and melted.

"Kay…" you smiled weakly as he picked you up and brought you to the bed. He lay you on his chest, played with your hair and softly sang you to sleep.

A/N: hope it makes you feel better when you study OH and can I get 5 more votes please it makes me really happy :D xx gabby

ps sorry for the inconsistant updates i've had a stressful 2 weeks and finals are next week :/

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