Sunsets ♡ c.h.

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"Y/N he's here," your mom poked her head in your room.

"Kay I'll be down in a sec, just don't scare him away," she nods and you take one last look in the mirror. It was your first date with Calum, you were terrified, you fixed your hair and went over your outfit for the last time before grabbing your bag and shoving your phone into it and waltzing downstairs. You peer around the steps to find Calum standing in the doorway looking at his feet, he looked so perfect, he must have heard you come down the stairs because he catches your eye. His eyes light up and his mouth curves into giant smile, you felt your heart flutter and smile back and walk over to him.

"Wow you look... wow," he gawked. You felt the blood rush into your cheeks, you looked back at him and smiled.

"Not too bad yourself," you giggled, that was a lie he looked gorgeous, "Um so where are we going,"

"Somewhere," he smirked, you followed him outside and down the sidewalk. You walked for a little making small talk which ended up with you both nearly crying you were laughing too hard. He stops in front of the boardwalk and smiles, "We're here!" You look at the horizon and notice the sun setting.

"What are we gonna do it's getting dark," you take off your shoes and put them in one hand and follow him into the sand.

"I wanted to watch the sunset with you," his face blushed as he sat down on a near towel, he pulls out a cookie from the basket on the blanket and passes it to you, "I set this up for us, is this okay?"

You nod, "It's perfect, simple, and perfect," you lean your head on his shoulder and watch the horizon as the sun set behind the ocean tide, "It's beautiful..." you whisper.

"You're beautiful..." he giggles placing a small kiss on your temple, "Thanks for coming out with me, I really really like you Y/N"
"It's no problem really Calum, I like you too," you look up into his eyes and he bites his lip. You lean in and share a sweet kiss on the beach.

A/N: it's short and terrible i know :( -gabby x
How about 6 votes bc it sucks
AND IM REALLY SORRY I JUST got into a new semester of classes and I wanna start off strong because this semester is really important
Xoxo gabby

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