Perfect ♡ m.c.

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You were curled up in a ball in the bathroom unsuccessfully trying to hold back tears. You heard a knock on the door and your boyfriend, Michael's, voice spoke, "C'mon Y/N we're gonna be late to meet the boys!" You shook your head, oblivious that he could not see you. "Y/N hurry up!" You didn't respond, "Y/N are you okay?" 

You dipped into the small stash of energy you had to respond, "No," and you reached over to unlock the door, quickly returning to your small stature.

"Y/N oh my god, what's wrong?" he runs over to you, sits down and pulls you into his lap, which makes you begin to sob, "Baby, tell me what's wrong?" He rubbed your back and tried to calm you down. After  a few minutes your sobs turned into wimpers and slowly began to turn to heavy breathing, "Now can you tell me what's wrong?"

You nodded and swallowed, "I can't meet your friends," you shook your head.

"Why not? What's the matter?" He panicked.

"They're not gonna like m-" he cut you off.

"Well of course they are, I like you, so will they," you shook your head.

"I'm too ugly for them to like me," you swallowed another batch of tears. Michael's face turned from concerned to almost pure anger in an instant, which made you terrifyed.

"How dare you fucking say that, Y/N," he lightly shoves you off his lap and stands you up with him, he paces around a little and pulls at what's left of his lilac hair, "Who fucking told you they thought you were ugly? How could someone tell you that?" he yelled.

"The fans, the girls at school, everyone," you sigh, "I'm too ugly for you, you need someone prettier and skinner."

"The hell with what other people think, I think you're the most gorgeous girl in the entire world and if you don't think so, I'm cancelling the plans with the boys and I'm gonna prove it to you," He calmed down, he took you by the arm gently and brought you into his room, "Wait here let me text the boys."

You sat on the bed and looked down at yourself, your thighs were touching too much, your arms had beauty marks in the ugliest places, your skin was far from perfect, "Okay, now to tell you how perfect you are," he walked in smiling sitting next to you, "Let's just take this off," he pulls off your shirt, "and these," he guides your skirt down your legs. He then reaches for his shirt and follows by his skinny jeans. Both of you were sitting in your underwear on his bed, he poked your belly button causing you to giggle. 

"What?" you giggled.

"You're perfect I don't know why you don't think so," he smiled pushing a strand of hair out of your face and cupped your cheek with the same hand, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, "Your eyes are the perfect shade and your hair contrasts your eyes which make the red in your lips stand out, the little freckle on the bridge of your nose makes me wanna kiss it all day long,  when you laugh your eyes squint and your nose crinkles slightly," he kissed your nose and your lips lightly. He reached for a red marker that was sitting on his bedside table and lightly pushed you so you were lying down on the bed, he uncapped the marker and wrote Michael thinks you're perfect followed by a heart on your stomach in big letters. He then traced your arm with his fingers stopping at your wrist, he kissed it lightly then uncapped a black marker that was next to the red one. He then writes and that's all that matters in the neatest handwriting, almost like a homemade tattoo.

He kissed up your arm and up your neck until he reached your lips and leaned in for a kiss. "Why did you take off your clothes too?" you asked after pulling away.

"I hate my body just as much as you hate yours," a sad smile spread across his lips, "I don't want you to hate your body because I love it, I know how you feel and I don't want you to look down on yourself  because you're beautiful."

"Thank you," you whispered, "And for the record I think your body is perfect," you giggled.

"Okay get dressed and let's go meet up with the boys," He smirked picking up your clothes from the floor and flinging them at you.

A/N: it's kinda lame but it's kinda cute <3

omg i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while it's been a crazy week ((between calum's ugly hair and nudes)) and i'm starting school next week!!

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