I Think I Love You ♡ a.i.

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Ashton's POV:

We were all hanging out in Luke's basement on the couches that surrounded the television. Y/N was sitting partially on my left knee partially on the couch in an animated discussion with the boys over Marvel Comics versus DC Comics. "But Y/N Batman is a classic!" Luke yelled.

"Ok but they're all so cliche, no proper superhero wears a cape anymore!" She yelled back.

"Well what about Spiderman? He's cliche," Calum pointed out.

"Don't you dare insult Spiderman like that!" Michael put his hand on his chest clearly offended.

I could care less about which superhero movie frachise is better all I really cared about was Y/N. We've been dating for about 2 months now, but it's felt like so much longer. She was so good with my friends and when she got aggravated at someone her jaw will clench and her eyes would squint just the smallest bit and her voice would increase in volume just enough to make her point stronger. Now she's laughing at something Luke said and her eyes are slightly closed and her nose is scrunched up and she's leaning back into my arm that's around the back of the couch and I'm so in love it's crazy. Michael must've said something embarassing about her because she's nuzzling her face into my shoulder, my arm is wrapped around her and she's still laughing. Her hair smells so good and it's so soft against my neck. She pushed my arm off her so she could continue talking to the boys. I wrapped both arms around her waist and pulled her so she was sitting fully on my left thigh. The slope of her nose looked so cute and her eyes shined when I tightened my grip on her.

"Ashton do you have anything to add?" Calum snapped you out of your daze, "Have you stared at Y/N enough?"

2nd Person:

"I love you Y/N," Ashton blurted out, causing both yours and Ashton's faces to turn bright red, you turned to look at Ashton and his face turned a deeper shade of scarlet, "Uh - I..." he blubbered.

"Ashton you done fucked up," Calum added.

A/N: it's short but i think it's kinda cute

And I'm sorry I haven't updated!! I probably won't be writing anymore :-/ because of reasons and it's my senior year so I gotta do amazing!!

Love gabby ❤️

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