Better? ♡ c.h.

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You were rushing home from school with tears beckoning from your eyes as the events of the past day replayed in your head. You pushed through the crowd of people only to bump into a tall dark-haired figure. “Sorry,” you mumble trying to squeeze past him.

“Hey, is something wrong?” he asks, you look up and it’s Calum Hood, from one of your favorite bands.

“Wait you’re um- Cal-um Hood,” you stuttered.

“Yeah I am,” he smiles, “But wait are you okay you look like you’re about to cry,”

“To be honest I’m not, but I don’t want to trouble you and you probably have to go meet the rest of the band, nice meeting you,” you try to hold back tears and attempt to walk away.

“Hey come back,” he pulls you into a hug and rubs your back, “What’s wrong?” he whispers.

You sigh, “Do you really care?” you looked at him and he nodded. You followed him into a small café where he found a couch and sat down, gesturing you to follow.

“So… I didn’t even get to ask you your name, so what is it?” He looked concerned.

“You’re really persistent,” you chuckled, “It’s Y/N,”

“Alright, Y/N, why were you about to cry when you ran into me?” He asked, you looked down at your hands and tears began to form. Calum put his thumbs on your cheeks and wiped away the tears that were falling.

“I just had a rough day at school,” you hyperventillated, “this girl I hate was talking shit about me, and someone who I thought was my friend was talking to the girl and walked home with her, and I failed a test I studied for hours on, I’m coming down with a cold and I’ve had about 3 hours of sleep last night because of this girl drama,” you rambled sighing when coming to the end, sniffling a few tears back.

“Come here,” Calum wraps his arms around you and lets you sob into his shirt, “Everything’s going to be alright, I don’t know why this girl hates you because you seem perfect and you have to think of your true friends, I’m sure your friend had a good reason to go, maybe you should talk to her. And about school, not every test counts, next time you should study with some friends or something, I would help you but I dropped out of school,” he laughs into your neck, “But don’t worry about anyone hating you, because I don’t.” You look up and he’s smiling.

“You don’t?” he shakes his head, “I just soaked your sweater, and I look like a trainwreck,” you laugh.

“Now that’s the smile I wanna see!” He puts his sleeve over his hand and wipes away your tears, “You look beautiful.” He smiles causing your face to flush red.

A/N: this was supposed to be cute, but I thought of the idea when I walked to the train pissed off because my best friend took the bus with the girl I hate and I thought it would be cute to run into 5sos bc they would be so kind </3 

anyway it’s kinda a true story so :~) -gabby



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