Need A Little Cheering Up ♡ a.i.

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“Y/N,” Ashton sighs sitting next to you on your bed. You were scrolling through your twitter looking at indirects of the rumor about Ashton having a girlfriend. You and Ashton hadn’t been dating long maybe 3 months or so, and the fans were becoming suspicious. Ashton nudged his head into your shoulder and pecked your neck, “Y/N, please,” his voice cracked causing your head to snap toward his. You noticed his eyes were glossed over and his cheeks were tear stained.

“Babe what’s the matter,” you panicked, you’ve never seen Ashton this vulnerable, he was always peppy and cheery and giggly, unless it was morning time.

He cuddled further into you and pulled out his phone showing you his twitter screen. You began to read all the message he was getting. You felt his breath get hot and his body shake, you felt moisture hit your neck and heard Ashton’s mumbled sobs.

“Ashton, babe you can’t listen to them,” you attempted to brush your fingers through his curls, but ended up twirling them into tighter curls. You kissed the top of his head and kept twirling his hair, “I’ve never seen you like this babe, I don’t know what to do help me,” you whispered leaning your chin on his head. You continued to to rub his back until the sobs slowed down.

“I’m sorry, everything just got to me,” he sniffed wiping his nose with his hand.

“What did babe?” You whisper rubbing your thumb over his cheek. He shook it off and shook his head.

“Ash, hun, you’re going to have to tell me, please,” you lift his head so his view was off of his lap and now into your eyes, “We’ve only been dating for 3 months, I’ve never seen you so vulnerable please, just tell me what caused my little ball of sunshine to be so gloomy?” you questioned running your hands through his hair and pulling back his damp curls to reveal his widows peak. He groaned and turned his face to your stomach, “Please baby tell me what I can do,” you voices comes down to a whisper as you kiss the top of his head. You began to run your fingers down his back, when you got to his sides he giggled.

“Y/N stop I’m supposed to be sad,” he groaned. You nipped at his sides again with your fingers and he let out another giggle. His laugh was so contagious so, you kept tickling him until he turned his face so you can see his face, “I- said- stop-I’m- sad-” he said in between his laughing.

“You’re not sad anymore,” you teased pecking his lips, “I fixed you,”

“Thank you Lovey, I really needed it,” he smiled.

“So is that what I do when you’re sad? Let you cry it out and tickle you?” he nodded and you giggled, “Can you tell me what happened?” He shook his head, “Pleaseeeeee,” you begged.

“Um some fans found out we were dating and they were calling you really nasty things and when I looked us up on twitter and I got all caught up in reading for hate and next thing I know I’m reading ‘ashton doesnt belong in 5sos’ and stuff like that and well I ended up here,” he shrugged.

“I hope you know none of those comments were right and you do belong in the band and you do belong with me,” you grabbed his hands and looked him in the eye, “You belong with me because I love you.” He face looked shocked and you immediately regretted it.

“I love you,” a huge grin had taken over his face, “We love each other,” he giggled kissing you quickly.

“Look don’t listen to them because whatever they say, I will always love you,” you kissed his nose.

A/N: posting this early? I guess but I have like 4 more to post then I'm done! so if you want to send a request DON'T send it to my messages but send it to my imagines tumblr

( click request to request!!


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