Fly Me Out ♡ m.c.

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Michael had left for a North American tour as the opening act for famous boy band One Direction. He’s been gone for a few weeks now and you missed the way you two would cuddle. He would trace shapes on you back, flatten you hair on his chest and play with it, he would make a path with his lips from your neck to your lips. You missed the warmth his body brought when you laid across him and when his arms were wrapped around your body. Thinking about this made you miss him more, you ran to your laptop and tried to video chat him, but Michael wasn’t on. You felt a tear roll down your cheek when you checked who was online. Three words made your heart flip, Calum Hood: Online, you pressed him name multiple times because you were growning impatient. “Hey,” Calum’s face came on the screen, “Are you okay?” he sounded confused.

"Yeah, I’m fine," you say wiping the tear, "Have you heard from Michael I need to talk to him?" 

"Last time I saw him, he was going out to eat with Harry," Calum looked around, "Hey are you sure you’re okay, you don’t look so good." He was right, you saw your reflection, ever since Michael left you made no effort to brush your hair or put any effort into how you looked.

"No not really," it felt good to tell someone how you really felt, "I miss Michael…." you stop you sniffle in the tears, "a lot."

Calum made a puppy face, “Aww well maybe we can find a way to fly you out here, he misses you too.” You heard the door open in his room.

"Hey Calum," a voice distantly says, it was Michael. Calum puts a finger up to his mouth before answering him.

"What's up Michael you look down," Calum says pulling out his headphones so you could hear better.

"Um yeah I don't know, I guess I miss Y/N, I mean I miss her like a lot," he grumbles making your heart ache. He misses you.

"Oh, is that all you miss her?" Calum questions.

"No of course that's not all," Michael replies sounding quite angry at Calum's question, "I miss her smile, and her laugh, and the way she fixes her hair if she's nervous or bored, I miss her soft lips against mine, her cuddles, the late night talks we have, the movie marathons, hell I even miss the way she pokes me when I'm trying to practice new songs," he sighs.

You begin to tear up again, he misses you more than you miss him if that was even possible. When Calum told you that he missed you, you didn't believe him. You thought it was just a way to keep you from crying, you thought he was lying to you to make you feel better, but he wasn't. Michael actually cared, he was aching for you.

"Michael..." you spoke, hoping Calum left the sound on.

"Calum was that Y/N?" his voice cracked. You assumed Calum nodded because soon enough he was in view, what used to be a wall was now a teary-eyed broken Michael, "What's going on, why are you talking to Calum? Oh Y/N I missed you so much, I need you," his voice broke again.

"You didn't text me or call me in like 3 days and I missed you so I logged on and saw Calum online, I miss you so much Michael I told Calum all of it," you sniffled touching the screen of your laptop hoping you would be able to atleast touch him. Once coming back to reality you began to tear up again, "I really need you..." 

"I miss you so much more Y/N, I need you too, you need to be here next to me," Michael sniffled again. 

"Michael she can fly out here and come on tour with us just ask her, I was going to but you came in," Calum added. 

"Y/N can you? Can you fly out and we can be together, I'm sure management has enough money for you to fly out, you don't even have to pay okay?" Michael's eyes brightened. 

"I'll have to ask my mom, who would have to talk to whoever is on tour with you-" Michael cut you off.

"Liz! She can talk to Luke's mom!" Michael nearly shouted.

"Okay so she'll have to talk to Liz, but I want to come so badly so I'll persuade her as much as I could okay? If she says yes I'll be on the next flight out to you," you smiled, this might work, you will be seeing Michael soon. You will be cuddling with him, kissing him and being with a 3-dimentional Michael.

A/N: I have 100 reads thank you guys so much ily <3 

and I edited this one BIG TIME it used to suck but now I made it like twice as long and it sucks less yey :~)

-gabby x

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