Wherever You Are ♡ c.h.

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A/N: okay this turned into more of a one shot and it's the second imagine i wrote a part 2 to and its another one of my favorties :~)  -gabby


“Y/N I have to go to the airport early tomorrow!” Calum yells. You had gotten mad because you wanted to spend his last day at home before leaving on tour with him, “I don’t know why you’re so mad about not spending time together!”

“It’s because you’re leaving tomorrow that’s why!” You cried back, “Do you not care that we won’t be able to be with each other for the next month?!” You feel your face heat up with anger.

“Whatever night Y/N see you when I come back,” he says rushing to his room, leaving you holding back tears on the couch.


That was the last time you spoke to Calum, it’s been three weeks and he hasn’t called or texted you once and you haven’t made an effort to talk to him either. You’ve talked to Ashton, your closest friend in the band, a few times. He said Calum wasn’t being himself, but you tried to convince yourself that he was just sick, for three weeks…

“What’s up Ash?” you picked up your phone.

“Um well we’re in town today and I was wondering if you could stop by the show?” he quickly rushed.

“Um I can’t I’m uh- busy,” you weren’t busy but you really didn’t want to see Calum.

“you’re not busy, please?” you could hear his smile through the phone, but you still couldn’t give in, you didn’t want to see Calum, “You don’t even have to talk to Cal, just me, Luke and Michael! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee, for me?”

You don’t believe him, but he was one of your best friends and you missed him, “Fine. Just for you, just don’t tell Calum I’m coming,” you used his full name because calling him Cal didn’t feel right.

“YES! Now open the door so I can give you the ticket!” he giggles a little.

“Ashton what the fuck,” you giggle walking over to your front door, he grabs you in a full bear hug, “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too!” he kisses your forehead and pulls away, “here’s your ticket. Andyou’reinthefrontrowbye,” he turns around and rushes away.


“Y/N I’m sorry they were the only tickets we had to give out because all others are standing and I wanted you to be safe, please don’t change your mind,” he smiles showing his irresistible dimples.

“Ugh fine, but if Calum tries to talk to me I’m leaving,” you groan.

At the concert:

So far Calum hasn’t noticed you, he has looked around the crowd but you hid your face before he could see you.

“Okay so this next song is really important to a certain heartbroken band member, so Calum introduce it!” Luke yells as all the fans scream. Your heart sinks, it’s important to Calum, Calum wrote the song, Calum is heartbroken, Calum is going to sing about you.

“Well this song I wrote a few weeks ago after we left to go on tour and it means a lot to me, so Y/N Wherever You Are, this is for you,” you choke back tears and put all your attention to him.

For a while we pretended

that we never had to end it

but we knew we had to say goodbye.

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