Mine? ♡ c.h.

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"Um Y/N the neighbors need you to watch Callie while we go out to dinner!" Your mom yells from the kitchen.

"But Calum's coming home from tour today!" You whined, Calum was coming back after a 6 month tour and you really just wanted to spend time alone with him. You walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Oh honey I'm sorry I forgot, but we really need to go out to dinner with them," She fake smiles.
"I haven't seen him for 6 months mom please." You begged.

"I'm sorry I forgot, but we really need you to watch her, maybe they could drop her off when she's sleeping or something so you two can catch up," your mom pleads.

"Fine! But if she's not sleeping I'm taking the money and leaving, okay?" You yell frustrated at her tone.

"Okay we're leaving, the neighbors are here lead them up to the guest room where Callie can sleep!" you groaned and politely showed them the guestroom.

"You can leave her here, have fun," you lied.

"Thank you so much Y/N, your mom told us it means a lot, we think she will sleep overnight, if anything happens you know what to do," They left you and Callie alone. You walked to the couch and turned on a television show, Calum wasn't due back for another 4 hours so now you wait.

After about 30 minutes you heard a knock at the door, your parents had just left so you curiously opened the door. Calum.

"Calum!" you pulled him in for the first kiss since 6 months ago. You felt tears on your cheeks, you pulled away and wiped away a few tears, "I missed you so much Cal, I love you."

"Hey stop crying I'm here okay, and I'm not leaving for a while," He wiped away your tears and pulled you in for another kiss.

"Come on let's go inside," you grab one of his bags and he puts his arm around you and walk into the house shutting the door behind you. He takes his arm off your waist and pulls of his jacket, grabs a pair of sweats and heads to the bathroom to get changed.

"What were you watching before?" he lifts you and sits down on the couch forcing you to cuddle with him.

"Truthfully concert videos," you giggled, "But we could watch Modern Family?"

"Obviously," he laughs and kisses your cheek.

About 3 hours later you hear crying from the guest room.

"Shit," you groan, "Callie's up I'll be right back." You climb off of Calum and walk into the bedroom.

"This kid I swear to god," you scoff walking to the bed. You pick her up and try to rock her back to bed. You hear Calum walk into the room, "Hey babe."

"Is she um... ours?" Calum whispers in shock. You can't help but laugh at his panicked face.

"No Cal, she's my neighbors daughter, my parents needed to go out with them so they left me here in charge of her," you giggle. A look of relief washes across Calum's face.

"Thank god, I don't think I'm ready to be a father," he sighs. He kisses your cheek and watches as Callie falls asleep.

"Finally," you whisper putting her back down in the bed, "For the record I'd think you'd be a great dad." you wink.

"I think you looked really cute as a mother," he brought his lips to yours and you smiled.

<b> yay ok I thought this one was cute and ok
Ps if you wanna follow me on Instagram it's @gabbyec or @clumhood enjoy :-)

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