Short Stuff ♡ a.i.

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"Hey babe," You answer your phone call from your boyfriend Ashton, who has just recently came back from his trip to LA with his band.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" you smile, it was the first time you talked to him since you saw him at the airport two days ago.

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe, go out to dinner tonight, nothing fancy like the diner or something," you could hear his smile from across the phone.

"Of course anything to hang out with you," you smile widely.

"Okay I'll pick you up in an hour?"

"Yeah that's great! Okay love you, bye," You beamed.

"Love you too mwah!" He blew you a kiss and hung up.

You pressed the end button and grinned, you and Ashton were going out to dinner, it was your first date since he left for tour. You went to your closet and picked out a cute outfit then went to shower.


You open the door to find Ashton standing there, he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up slightly, so that you have to stand on your tiptoes, which has always made you feel self conscious. "Ready?" Ashton said.

"Um no I need to get my heels!" you run up the stairs and grab the ones that put you at Ashton's nose and ran down to put them on.

"Babe you don't need those, we're going casual remember?" he passed you a pair of worn vans and you groaned.

"But Ash I'm going to look so short compared to you," you groaned taking your vans and putting them on instead, "Look," you stand up, "I'm only up to your chest!" you pout facing his chest.

"I think it's cute when you have to look up to me, so can we just go I'm hungry," he whines, you stand on your tiptoes and peck his lips.

"Okay let's go," you follow him outside and into his car.


"Wow Ash when you said you were hungry, I didn't know you were being serious," you laughed at your boyfriend who had just demolished at least 3 meals and a bowl of ice cream.

"I haven't had a decent meal in a while babe," he smiles, causing you to giggle, "I love your laugh,"
"I love you," you boop his nose and he grins wider, his dimples becoming more prominent. He takes your hand and leads you to the front of the diner where there is a group of fans waiting.



"Go ahead Ash I'll wait back here," you recluctanly whispered to him untangling your fingers.

"Are you sure, it was just supposed to be me and you?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah go on, I don't want to hold you back they already hate me," you forced a smile.

"Why don't you come with me, to take their pictures!" He beamed, intertwining your fingers once again and pulling you out into the huddle of fans. "Guys this is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N, please be nice to her because I love her," he spins you around and your cheeks tint red. He then starts to take pictures with the surrounding fans.

"Y/N you're so short omg, do you need a ladder to kiss Ash?" A fan standing near you giggles while her other friends laugh.

"I wouldn't be talking seeing as I'm taller than you," you tried to stay strong and not let them affect you.

"Like an inch taller and I'm like 3 years younger so I can grow more unlike you," she snarls again.

"Stop," you wince feeling tears well up in your eyes.

"What did you say, shorty?" The fan smirks knowing she's found your insecurity.

"I SAID STOP!" You yell at her. Everything got quiet as all of the fans had stopped what they were doing and looked at you. You saw Ashton at the corner of your eye look infuriated.

"Y/N why are you yelling at the fans, what have they done to you?" He says, his fists clench in anger.

"They're making fun of my height that's it, you know how I feel about it." You pout feeling defeated.

"Oh that's all, you don't need to scream at them about it," he laughs.

"You don't have to scream at them for something so little," he speaks over the crowd of girls.

"Yeah Y/N you don't have to scream at me," the fan who was making fun of you smirks.

"That's it!" You push your way to her and put your fist up.

"Y/N!" Ashton shouts, "What the hell are you doing do you know how much they mean to me?"

"I do Ashton and I would never do that to anyone, but she was making fun of my height saying that I was too short for you, all I did was ignore her but she wouldn't stop. And I do know how much they mean to you, but how much do I mean to you?" You finish your rant with tears falling down your face and your fists clench.

"Y/N...." Ashton whispers grabbing your arm. You shrug it off and walk off. You hear a fan 'oooooo' as you pace faster towards home.

A/N: long omg do yah hate me I'm running out of material and it's the last run before finals -gabby

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