Lost Boy ♡ a.i.

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"I’m at baggage claim, who’s picking me up?" you drag out of the carrousel and walk to the exit, "Oh, where are you standing? I’m coming now. Yeah Ash is going to be so surprised, okay I see you." You hung up the phone and ran to the tall bleach blonde guy with his back facing you.

"Michael?" you tap his shoulder and he spins around. He lifts you up and wraps his arms around you. 

"Y/N! I can’t believe you’re here! We’ve missed you," you nuzzle your head on his shoulder and smile.

"I’ve missed you all too," he takes your bags and brings you to a cab, because he can’t drive. You pull up to a strange hotel.

"You aren’t staying in the same hotel as us, in case Ashton see’s you," Michael takes your bags to the check in desk then to your room.

"So," you collapse on the bed, "What’s the plan for tomorrow?" 5 Seconds of Summer had their own acoustic gig and Michael planned for you to surprise Ashton.

"Well we’re going to play Lost Boy and Ashton wants to sing part of it, so I was hoping that you could hold up a sign saying "I Found You Ashton" during the song," Michael held a big dorky smile.

"That sounds perfect!" You giggle it’s too perfect of an idea Ash would love that, wait, "Michael how am I supposed to get in the venue without Ashton seeing me or the fans?"

"Why are you so worried about fans?" Michael goes to his bag and gets out markers and paper.

"Because they know who I am and once they see me they’ll tweet Ashton and I don’t want him to know!" You look at the ground.

"Hey, hey, Y/N, I let all the security know that you will be there just get their really early and they’ll let you in! And don’t worry I’ll distract Ashton until show time." he pulls me in for a hug, his phone buzzes, "Okay? Look I gotta go, Ash is getting worried, you’ll be okay?" I nodded.

"Wait Michael," you stood up and hugged him, "Thank you so much, I needed this trip, I needed to see Ashton." 

He hugged you back, “And Ashton needs to see you. So text me when you get to the venue?” You nod and he leaves. You go to the desk where you and Michael were making the poster. It was almost ready, but you needed to add glitter and let it dry.

~Next morning~

You jumped out of bed. You checked the time on your phone, it was 12. Shit. The concert started at 6, but you wanted to get there at 3 because you didn’t need the fans to see you. You picked up the phone and texted Michael:

To Michael Clifford:

just got up yikes! can you tell security i’m gonna go through the side entrance to avoid the fans? can’t wait to see you xx

You rush into the shower and get ready. When you’re done it’s around 2. Your stomach grumbled, but you didn’t care how hungry you were, you were going to see your boyfriend soon. Your phone rang and it was Michael.

Michael: Hey Y/N are you ready?

You: yes! just a little hungry

Michael: don’t worry we have food

You: Oh thats perfect! can’t wait to see ash

Michael: yeah, so do you have the poster?

You: yeah i do this is going to be perfect, is anyone video taping?

Michael: yeah i asked Liz to get someone

You: okay great! so how am i getting there? i don’t know where it is

Michael: um actually I’m on my way, in a cab

You: oh what was your excuse?

Michael: i needed to get breakfast

You: great text me when you’re downstairs yeah?

Michael: yeah!

You ended the call and put the phone in your bag. You grabbed the poster and rolled it up. You took your sunglasses and put them on. You looked in the mirror, is this really how I want to look? You stepped back and looked again. You pulled out your phone to tweet:

@Y/T/N: todays gonna be a good day ;) X

You replied to some fans and followed a few when Michael texted you. You ran to the elevator then ran into the cab where Michael was. You sat down now out of breath.

"You’re a little excited," he giggled, "here I got you a muffin."

You took the muffin and laughed, “Well I’m only seeing Ashton,” you gave him a friendly nudge and start to eat.

~In the venue~

People recognized you, but you told them the plan and they didn’t spoil your plan. The lights flickered meaning the show was going to start. The boys ran out and began to play. You saw Ashton, he looked so focused, so hot. You wanted to go up and kiss him, but you couldn’t. 

Then the opening chords of Lost Boy started to play. The focused look Ashton held softened and his eyes got red. You made eye contact with Michael and he nodded. You held up the sign and sang as loud as you could. The fans standing around you pushed you more towards the front and helped you get Ashton’s attention. 

"Okay can you guys help us sing three little words, ‘come find me’," Calum spoke into the microphone. Right after Calum said this Ashton began to sing, "come find me, come find me, come find me…." You waited until there was a break in the music.

"Ash I found you!" You yelled as loud as you could and held up the sign. He giggled and looked a bit confused, Michael nodded his head in your direction and Ashton looked over at you. His eyes met yours and they filled with tears and his dimples indented further. You put your hands to your mouth to prevent you from crying, but it didn’t help. His eyes were smiling so hard they weren’t visible, his dimples became permanent as he finished the song. At the end of the song he stood up and walked to where you were standing.

"Y/N grab my hand," he whispered, you followed his instruction and he pulled you up on stage. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. The crowd aww-ed and clapped.

"Get a room you two," Luke spoke into the mic, you pulled back and realized 400 people just saw you kiss Ashton. Your face turned red and Ashton giggled, as he always does.

"Sorry!" you leaned over and spoke into the mic. Ashton grabbed you by the waist, "Wait backstage, we’re almost done." he pecked you on the lips then sat down. 

You watched the rest of the gig from the side stage. 

"Alright guys you’ve been such a good audience, this has honestly been the best show ever, we have to go but just letting you know we love you all! And Y/N, I love you!" Ashton yelled into the mic before the stage lights faded. 

He ran off stage and grabbed you and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him. “I needed you with me, how did you know?” He titled his head and you pecked him on the lips.

"Michael told me," you combed his hair with your fingers, "I. Missed. You." You kissed him between each word.

"Well we’re together now, let’s not waste anytime," he lowered you to the ground and intertwined your hands and you followed him further backstage.

A/N: it ends short but i never have enough energy to finish the ending sorry :P -gabby x

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