Better ♡ mashton

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 A/N: Might be triggering idk :/ but ily gabby 
"Michael are you okay?" Ashton sat in the empty space on the couch next to Michael. Michael nodded, "No you aren't, you haven't been the same since we got here. You look worried."
Michael sighed, "It's (Y/N) she's changed. She isn't laughing anymore, and she doesn't smile as much, I'm worried."
Ashton patted Michael on the back, "Do you want to talk to her?"
"I tried, but she swears she's fine," he shook his head.
"Can I try to talk to her?" Michael nodded. And with that Ashton hopped in the car and headed over to (Y/N)'s house. He knocked on the door and let himself it.
"(Y/N)?" he shouted walking up to her room. He found her sitting on her bed tracing patterns on her arm. When she heard the door shut she pulled her sleeve down, "What is this? (Y/N) why are you doing this to yourself?"
She shook her head and her eyes began to water, "I'm fine I swear."
"No you aren't look at yourself, this isn't the (Y/N) I remember, tell me what's wrong," Ashton wrapped his arms around her letting her head rest on his chest. She told him everything, how empty she felt when they went on tour and she blamed herself for not having any other friends.
"It's not your fault, it never is," Ashton was rocking her, "And if you told Michael he could help."
"If I told Michael he would hate me," Her sobs grew louder and she squeezed Ashton harder.
"He will never hate you, never, promise me you'll tell him," Ashton brushed the tears from her eyes.
"Do you promise he won't hate me?" She took Ashton's hands and looked into his eyes.
"I promise Michael won't hate you," She didn't look convinced, "I don't hate you (Y/N), I never will and you've known Michael for ages, he could never hate you." She nodded in approval and pulled Ashton in for one last hug.
"Thank you," she whispered into his ear.

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