Teasing and Such ♡ a.i.

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You were doing yet another twitcam with the boys, sitting in your living room surrounding a small laptop on a coffee table. Ashton, your closest friend out of the 4 boys was currently reading out some of the fans’ tweets. You loved the way his eyes squinted when he read because he lost his glasses, the slope of his nose, his pink lips, his dimples and his giggles. Wait what, ew Ashton was your best mate you can’t think of him like that. “Hey Y/N this one’s for you, ‘Who’s your favorite 5sos member?’ Well Y/N/N who is it?” He raised his eyebrows and giggled a little.

“Isn’t it obvious?” you laughed poking Ashton dimple, he smiled bigger, “It’s Michael duh!” You smirked and faced Michael.

“I’m the chosen one!” Michael yelled followed by a victory screech. You laughed and patted his head.

“Heyyyyy,” Ashton whined pouting.

“It’s okay you’re like my 3rd or 4th favorite,” you smirked, he whined and you booped his nose.

“Okay enough lovebirds, we’re on a twitcam!” Luke yelled out high fiving Calum. This had earned each boy a slap in the arm.

“This is why Michael’s my favorite!” You complained.

“I don’t know what you’re saying I totally ship Y/S/N!” He laughed then began to chant, “OTP OTP!”

“We don’t like each other!” Both you and Ashton yelled. You looked at him and blushed a little, noticing his cheeks tint a little.

“Sure you don’t…” Calum rolled his eyes. He pulled the laptop closer to him, “Okay question time!”

Ashton leaned in and whispered, “You know I’m your favorite.” You looked at him and laughed.

“Of course I just didn’t want the boys to get jealous,” you whispered back. You both began to laugh.

“Oi Y/S/N stop flirting and pay attention,” Calum snapped. Luke smirked and Michael shoved Ashton a little.

“We weren’t flirting!” you and Ashton said simultaneously, both of you turned red again.

“Okay I have a question forrrrrr you-you,” Luke said pointing directly into the webcam, “Do you guys think Y/S/N is real? Because your guess is as good as ours!”  

“Stop Luke!” Ashton slapped Luke in the head, “Please don’t answer that me and Y/N are just friends!”

“Sure you are,” Michael rolled his eyes, “Oh look at this tweet! ‘Ash just kiss her already jesus!”

“You’re not my favorite anymore,” you protested, Michael laughed, “Okay I’m out.” You got up off the couch and stormed into one of the rooms and threw yourself on one of the beds.

“Well that got a bit heated,” you heard Calum say to the twitcam.

“Well we gotta go! Love you guys heaps! Thanks for watching!” Michael said.

“Yeah love you guys so much thank you for everything!” Luke said.

“Ashton say bye,” Calum eased.

“Bye.” He sounded pissed, “You guys just ruined everything.” You overheard Ashton say.

“Hey,” Ashton opened the door, “You alright?” You shook your head, he came over and sat down next to you putting his arm around you. You leaned into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes forcing your tears back, “Wanna talk about it?” You nodded. “Why are you so mad?”

“I don’t know,” you groaned, “I think it’s because of the boys being dicks, but it might be something else…” your thoughts linger back to when you were admiring Ashton.

“They were being bigger dicks than usual,” he forced a laugh.

You added a “that’s for sure,” and you were both laughing. The force of the laughter caused Ashton to fall back on the bed and you lying on top of him, your lips just inches away from each other.

“C-can I try something,” He whispered so it was almost inaudible. You panicked from being so close to his lips, but you nodded. Soon enough his lips were on yours, you were in shock, but the feeling inside your stomach was so enjoyable you knew this was right. You kissed him back, he gasped a little and deepened the kiss.

“Wow,” you whispered pulling away from the kiss.

“Yeah um wow,” his lips formed into a smile and the joy in his eyes told you he had enjoyed the kiss just as much as you did.

"Do you think we can make Y/S/N work?" He cheekily asks. You push your lips to his once more savoring the feeling giving him a proper answer.

a/n: got carried away wohooo ;) -gabby

and um i've very sorry school and such 10 votes :-)

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