1. An Autumn Stroll

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Word Count: 588

Rated: PG

Description: Lucy and Gru are walking back home during an Autumn morning


  The crisp autumn breeze flew through Lucy's red locks, sweeping them off her ears. The aroma of pumpkin waffled the air. The redheaded waited for her husband in front of the dock. Most of what she sniffed was toxicity by fish, but pumpkin overtook that smell. The trees off the distance were lacking leaves. They were in the shades of brown, red and orange. Some were hanging while others were crushed to the ground. It would be clear to say that Autumn has begun, one of the seasons Lucy disliked, unlike Gru. Something about fall made him smile. Bring a grin across his face. Yet, she didn't know why.

Lucy grabbed her phone from her purse. With her fingers turned it on, it gleamed 7:13 AM. A tap on her shoulder made Lucy turn. The flaring light of the sunrise from the horizon blinded her. Lucy blocked the rays with her hand. She squinted as her vision became clearer she spotted her husband. "Let's get going." He offered his hand. The agent was more than happy to embrace her hand with his. 

Walking through the empty market was pleasing. The sound of yelling fishermen announcing their sales has vanished. All Lucy heard was the delightful sounds of the waves colliding and the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat. "I'm so glad we left early." Confessed the redheaded. She glanced Gru at the corner of her eye with a grin. "Ves, especially after that whole fiasco." The ex-villain agreed. The couple stopped at the edge of a sidewalk. They observed their surroundings for any signs of a car. When clear, they crossed the street after making a turn. "Which remind me." Lucy began. Her head turned to Gru. "I really need to work more on my flexibility," 

Gru questioned her wife. "Flexibility?" 

"Yeah, you know as in punching, kicking and so," Lucy instructed. Her eyes paid attention up ahead. 

Lucy slipped her hand off her spouse's. Her fingers crashed into each other, nervously rubbing her thumb on the palm of her other hand. The agent bit her lower lip. She asked:  "I've been meaning to ask you, why do you like Autumn so much?" With his hands buried down his coat, he gave out a simple response. "It just seems to appeal to me." 

"Oh," She muttered. 

The same breeze from earlier made its return, harshly. Leaves from the floor started running away from the wind. The agent's bare back was smacked with the frigid wind. Her spine would get all sorts of chills. It connected her nervous system, denying the coldness. But the redheaded forced herself to stay in this state. Though, it would have gone to point where Lucy can't hold it any longer. Her arms were burning red from the repetitive brushing. "Yu seem cold." Her husband finally started. "Ye-Yes. I l-left my coat back at the house." Stuttered she. 

"Here." Gru started unzipping his black coat. He brushed it off his shoulders and lightly placed it on her wife's. The ex-villain zipped it back up. The generous men chuckled at her spouse appearance. Clearly, his coat reached to her knees and sleeves were hanging from her body. Nevertheless, Lucy ceased the stuttering and didn't shake a bit. "What about you? You're going to freeze." Worried the redheaded. "Don't vory 'bout me. Yu should be more vorried 'bout yurself." Gru intertwined his hand with Lucy's and continued their path~

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