Skater Girl

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I hop out of bed to get ready. Today the new skate park opened! I'm so excited! It's almost summer and looks like today will hold the perfect skating weather.

I put on my favorite ripped jean shorts and my white sleeping with sirens crop top. I make sure to put on some bracelets and earrings too. I go to my dresser and put a thick layer of eyeliner on. (No one ever questions why I where an excessive amount of eyeliner.) I quickly finish getting ready and then grab my galaxy backpack before running downstairs.

"You up early today, Av..." my brother, Landon, states while turning on his Xbox. That bum is always playing video games.

"The new skate park opens in one hour!" I shout. "There's no way I'm missing it!" I grab a water bottle and an apple before putting on my black converse.

The moment I reach the door my mother calls me. "Avril, where are you going?" she asks.

I groan. "Mom! The new skate park opens today! I can't miss it!" I say running up to her and grabbing her hands. "I've been waiting all year for this! Don't you remember me babbling about it a couple weeks ago?"

My moms smile softly. "Yes, of course. Just keep your phone with you, and don't stay there too late. Be back before dark. You have school tomorrow."

I nod in agreement. "THANK YOU!" I squeal. I hug her and kiss her on the cheek. "If I'm not home by that time, I should be, but if not, just give me a call, ok?"

My mom nods, and I run to the door, grab my skateboard, and take off down the empty street.

I unclip my helmet from my backpack and place it on my head, not bothering to buckle it.

"Avril!" I turn and look across the street to my best friends.

"Sup, Niall. Sup, Zoe." I say giving them wave.

"You heading to the new skate park?" Zoe asks.

"You know it!"

"Some of my other friends are going to be there too. I heard there's going to be like a hundred people there!" Niall says.

"A hundred? Niall, that's ridiculous! Our town is so tiny! There is no way that many people will show up!" I say laughing as we start to skate down the momentarily vacant road.

"Ya, Niall, she's right. But Av~ Niall's friends will be there!" Zoe squeals.

"So?" I ask, one eyebrow raised.

"So! You know I told you about my new bf, Zayn? He's Niall's friend!" She squeals and claps her hands together.

I laugh. "So you're dating one of your brothers best friend, huh?" She nods and Niall rolls his eyes. I'm sure she talks to Niall about Zayn non stop.

"See what I get for introducing my friends to her?" he asks, the annoyance in his voice evident.

"You shouldn't have introduced her to them." I say laughing.

"Well, I'm very happy!" Zoe protest.

I smile. "I'm glad that you're so happy, Zoe." I say. It's true I really love to see my friends happy. The way Zoe's eyes light up when she talks about Zayn warms my heart. Cheesy, right? Just them being happy can make me that much more happier even on my worst days. Wow, I sound ridiculous.

"Hey guys!" I say stopping and picking up my skateboard. "We're here!" I shout and gesture to the new skate park.

We stare at the new park in awe. The high fences block a ton of other people from getting through and a red ribbon is tied across the opening. "Sweet..." Niall mutters.

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