Chapter 29: Love

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Forget it. I think. I honestly don't care about some stupid video, but what the hell. "What video?" Eleanor hands me Louis phone.

"Just watch!" she says. "this video is pretty popular" she grins and nudges Lou.

"It's not that big if a deal. Eleanor is just excited because she's in the background" he rolls his eyes and laughs.

"That's so not true!" she shoves him and leans over my shoulder to watch the video with me.

I watch the video. I watch as a girl, me, runs up to a man in an army uniform, my dad. "Wait... What?"

"Idk. Someone took a video when you saw your dad and it got likes ton if views! How cool is that!" Eleanor takes the phone back and hands it to Lou.

"That's pretty cool."

"Did it make your day?" Lou asks.

"Definitely..." I say sarcastically.

After more of Eleanor and Louis trying to cheer me up they leave and the nurse comes back in. She smiles softly at me.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asks while placing a small tray of food beside me.

"Alright" I state.

"There are a few more people who would like to see you. Are you up for that?" I nod and she disappears for a moment before returning with Jen and Liam.

They both smile at me and gently hug me briefly. "My god... We were so scared..." Jen whispers.

"We were all really worried about you." Liam frowns, his eyes dull.

"I'm sorry guys. But, hey, I'm fine. I'm alive..." I trail off.

"We're glad you're okay, Av." Her light pink lips curl into a small smile.

I stare at both of them blankly. I'm alive, yes. But, I almost died. I was going to die. But Alex... She wouldn't let me.

I almost died.

I. Almost. Died.

I... Almost... Died...

I try to stifle the sudden sob but it's no use. I let the tears roll down my face. "I-I almost died..." I wail.

I feel both of their arms wrap around me. "but you didn't..." Jen whispers.

"Ya. You're fine now. You said it yourself. Av, there's no need to cry, you're okay" Liam mumbles in my ear.

I nod but still cry. The nurse walks back in and Jen and Liam get the hint and exit the room.

I'm still crying when the nurse places her soft hand over mine. "Dear, please calm down. Everything is alright. Why don't you rest for a while...?"

It suddenly occurs to me that I haven't seen Harry yet. He's my boyfriend and yet he's going to he the last one to see me.

"W-wait... Harry... I-I need to see him..." I say between sobs.

"You can see him when you wake up-"

"N-No... Please? I can't sleep until I see him!" I desperately plead.

A soft smile plays on her lips. "I'm afraid you will have to wait. Besides, that was the last person here to see you..."


My mind races with thoughts. Where is Harry? Why wouldn't he be here? Did he not want to see me? Is he-

"Will you please rest?" I weakly nod and rest my head back on the pillow. The nurse walks closer and pushes a few buttons on one if the machines beside me. I read the name tag pined over her chest; Alexa...

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