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So I'm trying to write this fast because I have to go to school soon, but a big thank you to everyone! I can't tell you how much a appreciate all the reads!

I looked this morning and all the sudden I saw 3k and I kind choked on my cereal a little. I can't believe it and it may not seem like a lot to some people but to me it's incredible.

I honestly didn't think anyone would like this fanfic because it was kind of unorganized and it was this random idea that popped into my head one night and I didn't plan anything at all.

Alright, well thank you once again!!! I hope you loved it and I'll try and edit it some day because I think I've started to improve a lot in my writing!

Anyways check out my other fanfics if you're interested! (Yes. self promoting... Sorry, not sorry.)

Thanks once again arrivaderci loveliess!!


Btw can someone help mr understand what's going on? Wattpad must be on its period because it's beig a bitch about letting my write and save stuff? I'll write something and save it and then it's gone. wtf?

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