Chapter 28: Alive

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"Don't. Avril, stop." Alex says sadly.

I stop walking towards her and the bright light. "What? Why? I haven't seen you in forever! Alex, I-"

"Please! I'm just one person. Everyone is worried sick about you. You need to go to them." Her pale hand pushes a strand of hair from her face and then falls to gently grab the hem of her white dress.

"What are you talking about! What, you didn't want to see me?" I ask offended.

She lowers her head and sighs. "You don't get it. I missed you all so much. But, they all really need you-"

"They need you too!"

She gives me a small smile. "Please try to understand, Avril. You need to go to them. Stay with them for years to come and someday, when you are old and tired, then you can come back. Though I can't make you go back, I am begging you. Please, Av...?"

I don't want to go, but the desperation of her voice makes it impossible to ignore her request. I slowly nod, and her smile grows.

"Thank you, Avril." She whispers before disappearing along with the light.

I realize the blackness is from my eyes being closed. Unfamiliar sounds fill me ears. A soft beeping and a women's mutters as her small footsteps walk away from me. A pain in my head comes out of no where and I wince; the footsteps abruptly stop.

I open my eyes to the blinding morning light and squint. "What the..." I look around and see a nurse beside me bed looking down at me. Her eyes are a dark brown, her hair is a strawberry red; she keeps it tied back in a tight bun.

"You're awake!" Her soft voice exclaims. I can't help but notice how soothing her voice is.

I nod and look around. "W-where am I...?" My voice is scratchy and weak. "Can... Can I have water... Please?"

With in moments I am given a small cup of water. I take a sip and let the cold liquid sooth the burning in my throat.

"I assume you want to see your friends and family? They are waiting anxiously to see you..."

"Yes" I say desperately. She nods and exits the room.

A few moments later my mom comes rushing in, the nurse following close behind her. My mom wraps her arms tightly around my aching body and I let out a soft gasp through grit teeth. She immediately pulls away.

"My poor baby..." She whispers while gently placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? What happened? How do you feel?"

"One questions a-at a time..." I say with a soft laugh. "I'm fine... Just hurting a little..." I'm actually hurting a fucking lot. "I fell off my skateboard when a car came down the wrong lane..."

Her eyes water and I sigh. "I'm so sorry... Who's fault is it? Is it-"

"It's no ones fault. It's definitely not Harry's fault. Don't blame him." I say the last part a little harshly.

"Fine. Fine. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No." I try to shake my head but a sharp pain stops me. She holds my hand and nods.

"Okay. Everyone will come in one at a time to see you-"

"You don't have to come in one at a time. It would take too long." My mom nods and exits the room.

I watch the door until my dad and Landon rush in. Landon's face is red, his eyes puffy. I smirk. It's so terrible that I find him crying amusing.

They both encase me in a hug and squeeze me tight. I wince and mutter an 'ow' so they let go.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Landon says while letting go of me.

"Landon, be nice. Im sure this is all very hard on Avril." He huffs and sits down on a small chair beside me bed. My dad takes my hand and gives it a slight squeeze. "We were all very worried about you..." He says, his voice cracking.

I give a small smile. "I was worried too. But it's alright now..." I trail off as realization hits me. "I almost died..." I mutter.

I saw Alex... because I was about to die... A laugh bubbles up inside me, but I clamp my mouth shut to stop myself from laughing in a situation like this.

"What the fuck was that?" Landon scoffs. I wasn't able to hold it back well. A weird sound escaped my lips that sounded more like dying than laughing.

"Landon..." My dad scolds.

I smile. "Nothing. Just coughed." They nod and after a few more minutes of talking they leave and Zayn, Zoe and Niall come in.

Zoe lets out a strange sound and tightly holds me. She sobs loudly and I tense as pain shoots through me. I look to Niall and Zayn with pleading eyes, and they pull Zoe off of me.

"Avril! I'm so sorry this happened! I'm so sorry!" She wails. She bows her head and continues to sob.

Niall gently places a hand on her back and sits beside her. Zayn's eyes suddenly meet mine; his eyes dull and sad. "Are you okay...?" He finally asks.

Zoe looks up at me, waiting for an answer. "I think so. Are you guys alright?" Niall and Zayn nod and looks to Zoe. She takes a deep breathe before also nodding.

"We thought you weren't going to make it... We-"

"We thought you had died like Alex!" Zoe says cutting Niall off. The sound if her name sends shivers down my spine. The image of her in the white dress floods my mind and once again, I have to force my self not to start laughing hysterically.

"I... I'm here aren't I?" I look up at the ceiling. The light blinds me, and I close my eyes for a moment. "I'm still here... I'm still alive..."

Zayn gently kisses Zoe on the forehead and tucks a piece of hair from her reddened face. "I told you she's okay..." he whispers to her. She nods and looks at me sadly.

"Guys... I'm fine. Just sore." They all nod.

As they leave I let out a loud sigh. I'm not sure if I really want to deal with everyone else coming in and asking me the same questions; "Are you oaky?" "How do you feel?"

Eleanor and Louis come in, both holding a big smile on their faces. Eleanor pulls out a bundle of flowers and Louis holds a giant teddy bear.

"Oy! You're awake!" Lou cheers.

"We brought presents!" Eleanor shouts while putting the flowers on the counter. Louis places the large stuffed bear on the chair.

They lean close and grin at me, though they seem nervous. "Are you okay?" Louis asks. I nod.

"Are you sure? That was a nasty spill..." Eleanor says. Her smile fades.

"I'm positive. You all need to relax. It's not that big of a deal-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis says.

"Lou!" Eleanor scolds. She turns back to me. "It's just... You almost died, Av. It's a huge deal. Everyone is worried sick about you."

"Guys I'm serious though. I'm fine!"

"Alright. Alright." Eleanor's face suddenly lights up. "I almost forgot! Lou give me your phone!"

"No way!"

"Now! I need to show her the video!" She squeals. I furrow my eyebrows. What video?


Sorry if this chapter isn't that good. (>.<)

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