Chapter 8: First Fight

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Hate. How could I possibly hate this. I'm embarrassed but it's kind of fun. I use Harry's chest to push me up. "Oh, my gosh! Harry, I'm so sorry!"

I expect him to get mad or something but he just laughs and wipes some flour off of my face. He isn't mad?

"It's no problem. We may not have enough flour to make crepes now though."

I pick up the bag of flour and look inside. "I think we have enough. You wanna to wash up?"

"Nah." He shakes his head and flour falls off from his hair.

Something about that just made me crack up laughing. I ruffle his hair and more flour falls out of his curls.

"I think just the flour stuck in your hair will be enough to make crepes!" I exclaim.

"I should be saying the same about you"

* * *

After breakfast I help Harry clean the dishes. He is a really good cook. Like, I never expect boys to be good at cooking... but he's a better cook than me.

"Hey, Harry?" I'm not sure why but this question won't leave my mind unless I ask it... "Why are you dating Laura?"

Harry freezes and I regret asking that question.

"I like her..." He's lying. He was just saying he is being payed to date her. He always complains about her. We had this conversation the other day.

"You don't love her? It doesn't even seem like you like her. You always look annoyed with her... You even said that-" Harry just glares at me. "I was just wondering is all... Sorry for asking..."

I didn't like that look Harry was giving me. It kind of scared me. It's cold and filled with hate...

"Her dad paid me to date her... I already told you that..."

I stare wide-eyes at him. "What?" I ask sarcastically. "I don't remember you ever mentioning that!" I need to stop. He looks really angry.

"You heard me. Her dad gives her whatever the hell she wants. She wanted to date me. I got paid a large amount of money for dating her." He's basically telling me what he told me yesterday. I wanted new information a out this.

"That's so-"

"Wrong? I know. You said that yesterday! But I'm sure anyone would have agreed. They are rolling in cash and their snotty. They always get what they want because of money. I needed money at the time."

"What about now?"

"I've been dating her for a long time. I have more money than I know what to do with."

"Harry! She's a total bitch! You need to date someone who you care about and that person has to care about you too and-"

"I know! Shut up!" He yells.

I flinch back. His face suddenly softens. "I get it... Whatever..." I whisper. I shouldn't have brought this up.


"I need to go Harry... Thank you for letting me spend the night." I say scrambling to get my stuff together.

"Avril, I'm sorry... I just-"

"Don't be sorry. It's fine. If I were in your position I'd do the same... Probably..."

"No, I'm sorry for yelling-"

"Harry! I said it's fine!" I say raising my voice. I reach the door and open it. "Thank you again. Il'l see you around." I say with out looking back. I walk out and slam the door harder than intended.

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