Chapter 12: Give Use A Try

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I stare in the mirror. I take in the image of the girl standing I front of me... I suddenly begin to wonder what everyone else will be wearing... Am I glib to fit in?

I slowly check of the things on my metal checklist:

• black high waisted skirt

• white tank top

• converse

• hair clip

• hair is curled

• make up is on

I'm as ready as I'll ever be... But the girl staring back at me... She doesn't look ready... emotion wise.

Her eyes are tired and dull... I mean... her smile hides it pretty well.

I guess I'm just not ready. I thought I was. But it's okay to be nervous. Graduating from high school is a pretty big deal.

I'm excited don't get me wrong... But I have butterflies and they won't leave me alone. It's probably because Harry and what happened today.

As the doorbell rings I jump and rush to get it before anyone else. I'll get it!" I shout.

I take a deep breathe and open the door. I stand idly as I notice that Harry doesn't have his skateboard. Instead there's a car... A convertible... behind him.

"I thought we we're going to skate there..."

"Ya. I decided against it. You ready?"

I turn back into the house. "Bye mom! I'm leaving!" I shout.

As I close the door I here a faint "wait Avril..." But I ignore it. What could possibly be so important that she needs to tell me at this moment?

Harry opens the passenger door for me and I glare at him for a moment before getting in. He walks to the other side and gets into the drivers seat.

In my head I'm silently begging please don't mention yesterday. Please don't mention yesterday...

"Remember you said we'd talk?" I cringe at his words but nod. "So..."

"I honestly don't know Harry..." I run my hand through my hair, making sure I don't mess up my hair. The clip is actually really starting to bother me. I take it out of my hair and put it in the cup holder of Harry's car.

It's an honest answer. I. Do. Not. Know. He's annoying, but there's something about him... Something I just can't forget. Something I can't let go.

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't you want me to break up with Laura?"

"What? I never said that! I just didn't like that you were using her like that... Its not right. I get she's the biggest bitch alive but still... I don't know if I'm-"

"Ready for a boyfriend?" I nod and lower my head, avoiding eye contact.

"And I don't want to be used like her-"

"Is that seriously what you're mad about? Avril, I fucking broke up with her for you!" I jump at the volume of his voice.

"Don't yell at me like that! I don't think you understand Harry! I haven't had a boyfriend for years because I don't want to get hurt again!"

His face softens. "Sorry... But I won't hurt you..." He says that... But I feel he will hurt me unintentionally.

He parks the car on the side of the road and I can already hear the blaring music...

I start to unbuckle and get out of the car. "Would you at least give me some time to think-" I finally whisper.

Before I can finish I'm pulled back into my seat. Harry grips my arm tightly. "What the fuck!" I curse.

My eyes widen as he cups my face in his hands and he presses his lips against mine...

My eyes flutter closed at the sensation of his soft lips on line. The butterflies in my stomach, that I've been trying so hard to ignore, erupt into a frenzy.

As he breaks away and leans his forehead against mine I try to find something to say. But my mouth just hangs open, my eyes stay wide.

"Sorry about that... I had to do that... Incase you decided to reject me."

My heart sinks as his words echo in my mind. "Incase you decide to reject me."

"I'm not going to reject you, Harry." I blurt out.

His saddened face lights up, but he looks confused. "I-I mean... I guess I can give this-us a chance?" I question.

He smirks and my cheeks heat up. "Then let get going, love."

I step out of the car and as we walk across the street his hand wraps around my waist... What have I gotten myself into? After my last boyfriend I promised myself not to date anyone ever again for as long as I live...


Sorry, this chapter is pretty short (>.<) But, their sort of together now~ yay!

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