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So, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the reads I've gotten so far! It's amazayn!

If you'd like you can check out my other fanfics as well. That includes the fanfic I am writing with a girl who goes by TomlinsBae. On her account we are writing a fanfic called Broken Glass. So please check it out!

Also, I was hoping for some feed back with my fanfics and if you would like me to make a Skater Girl 2. I know the end of Skater Girl was sort of a. Cliff hanger, so I thought you may like it if I were to make a sequel. So, please comment and let me know if I should or not. If you don't want to comment just vote for the last chapter of this fanfic (:

I will make sure to keep you guys all updated as to if I will write a sequel or not! Thank you for taking the time to read it!

I enjoyed writing this fanfic but I honestly don't think it was my best. But I hope you all loved it and thank you for all of the reads! I can't believe it got so many :)

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