Chapter 2: When We Met

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Love this so much! I can hardly contain my excitement as the voice announces: "Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you the grand opening of your towns newest skate park!" (A/N: I don't really know where they live yet... Oops)

I quickly pick up my skate board as I see the ribbon being cut and everyone starts to run into the skate park.

"Come on guys!" I yell, a little too loudly.

"OMG! I'm so excited!" Zoe chirps.

We all follow the crowd into the skate park. I quickly snap on my helmet and skate to the pike.

As the others and I skate I can't help but notice little-miss-diva is sitting on a bench watching us. Her bleached blonde hair is pin straight. Unlike mine, which is naturally blonde, and naturally straight. Just thought I'd mention that.

I take the opportunity to skate over to her. "Hey, Laura. You gunna skate?" I ask, trying my best to be friendly. I pick up my skateboard and trace my fingers over the metal trunk.

She furrows her eyebrows. "Absolutely not!" She says. "You can go and mess up you hair! I'll stay here!"

I shrug. "You could try. Eleanor and Jen are at least trying." I say pointing to them. Louis and Liam are trying to help them learn to skate.

It's kind of funny; the way their arms flail about. But hey, at least their trying, unlike this diva.

Laura pulls out her hot pink nail polish. "Go away peasant!" she orders. (A/N: had to get a little carroty on you guys sorry not sorry!)

I laugh. "Uh-huh... what ever you say, princess!" I say sarcastically while bowing. She glares at me, and I step back on my skateboard and skate away. Who does this bitch think she is?

"Avril, why were you talking to her?" Zoe asks in disgust.

"Just giving her a hard time." I say with a shrug.

"Nice!" Zoe looks behind me and smiles. "One of Niall's friends are coming your way... Harry. Geez, why would anyone date a bitch like Laura?"

"I don't know. Why would someone date a guy like him?" I ask.

She throughs her head back laughing. "Well, I'm going to see how Jen and Eleanor are doing. Ciao!" I wave.

As I'm about to skate around more I feel a hand is on my shoulder. I turn to face Harry.

"Sup?" I say with a smile. "What do you think of the new skate park?"

"It's pretty awesome." He says. I smile. I loved how all of Niall's friends have a British accent. I love Niall's and Zoe's Irish accents too. I wish I had a cool accent. But nah, I got a boring American accent, which, I often forget about. Most of the time my brain doesn't register that I technically have an accent as well.

"So, you're going to collage for game arts, huh." He nods. "Sweet, so we'll most likely be in some of the same classes."

He nods again. "Ya" He states. I laugh and he frowns.

"You don't talk all that much."

"Cuz, I'm not suppose to talk to you." He says shamefully.

"Laura? you're gunna listen to her? Well, I better pretend I don't know you!" I say skating past him and giggle.

"Well, obviously I'm not listening to her. I'm talking to you, aren't I? Do you honestly think I care what anyone thinks? She can go suck a-"

"I guess you're right!" I say cutting him of and skating further away. He follows me and I laugh. "So, what's her deal?"

"What are you talking about?"

"She's such a diva! She seriously needs to lighten up!"

He shrugs. "She doesn't need to lighten up at all..." He says angrily.

"I see the way you get annoyed with her. I bet you only like her because she's got a big bum and boobs."

"That's not true!" He protest.

"Just sayin'! I'm going to sit down and eat. You coming?" He looks uneasily at me.

"You go ahead..." He says with a huff and skates away.

I take a seat on a metal bench and pull out my apple and water bottle. As I take a bite of my apple I see Eleanor and Jen run towards me.

"Avril!" Eleanor wails.

"Ya?" I ask taking another bite of my apple.

"Can you teach us to skate?"

"I think Louis and Liam are getting annoyed with us..." Jen says with a laugh.

"Um, sure.. you guys can't be that bad. right?"

"We're pretty bad..." Eleanor says.

I finish my apple and tell them to step on their skateboards. "Try to keep your balance. It helps if you keep your hands out to your sides a little."

They try to steady themselves. "Ok..." Jen says uneasily.

"Now take which ever foot you're most comfortable with... and push off a little." They do what I say and push off. They wobble a lot, but manage not to fall down. "Good job!" I say... Even if they weren't doing that well.

They both smile. "You're a way better teacher! The boys didn't even teach us. They just expected us to know." Jen praises.

"Thank you. Now try turning. All you need to do is lean to the side you want to go when you push off." I explain.

They try it... and end up running into each other. "How was that?" Jen asks hopefully.

"Um... not bad..." I say with a smile. "I think that's enough for now... Just keep working on that. Okay?" They nod.

I put my water bottle back in my backpack before putting it back on my back. I through away my apple and skate around some more.

* * *

Before I realize it hours have past and it's 5 o'clock.

"Zoe, Jen, Eleanor," I say skating over to them. They look up and smile.

"What's up?" Zoe asks.

"I'm going to have to go home soon. There's school tomorrow, and I said I'd be home before dark. Plus, I have a test tomorrow... and if I don't do well I'm screwed." I explain.

"Okay you want us to go home with you?" Jen offers.

"Nah, you guys can hang here. I just wanted to let you know before I got going."

"Well we'll see ya round Avril!" Eleanor says.

"Ya, it was so nice to meet you!" Jen says. I smile and wave before skating out of the park. I made sure to say goodbye to everyone else, besides Laura and Harry. I'm pretty sure Harry drove her home about an hour ago.

As I skate down the street I look back and see a curly hairs boy walk back into the park. Must be Harry. I think. I kind of feel bad for not saying goodbye, but I need to get home.

I carelessly skate down the street admiring the sunset. The sky is cast in array of pinks and oranges. The clouds are a strange grayish-purple color.

As I come up to another turn a hear someone call my name. "Avril!" as I turn to look at the person, My skateboard comes in contact with the curb, throwing me off of it.


Dun dun dun!

Listening to too late by 5SOS... kinda fits the fanfic at the moment *monkey covering its mouth emoji*

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