Chapter 11: Bad Break Up

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"But-What! why!!!"

I step out from behind the bush with a frown and Harry's eyes meet mine instantly.

"Because I love someone else..."

My mouth falls open and the kids who started to watch let out a few gasps. No one has ever broken up with Laura... Never...

Laura stares at him motionless. So does everyone else. Her face suddenly twists with anger.


She storms off down the street and I hear everyone whispering and laughing. She's lucky we're graduating. She'd be getting a lot of shit about this tomorrow if we did have school...

As Harry starts to walk towards me everyone freezes. The buzzing of whispers grows.

He leans down and wraps his arms around me. I stand frozen in his arms. Suddenly all the buzzing fades and the only words I hear are his.

"I don't want her... I want you..."

I can't explain how I feel right now... But my heart might as well of just melted. His words soft and needy in my ear sends a shiver down my back.

"H-Harry..." I don't understand any of this. Just the other day he was saying how annoying I was. But his words echo in my mind. "I want you..."

You'd think I'd be smiling right now. I'd be hugging him back and everyone would squeal and the whispers would become shouts... But I don't move...

My eyes sting and I bite my lip to try and stop the tears from falling. He is confusing me... This is why I try and keep away from the whole love thing... Not that I love him.

I finally push him away and stare into his green eyes...

Harry's POV

My heart sinks as she pushes away. I stare down into her crystal blue eyes. Oh shit... She looks like she's about to cry...

It pains me to look her in the eyes. I'm putting her in a complicated situation right now. Why am I doing this to her in front of the whole school?

"I'm sorry... I just..." I trail off. What exactly am I doing here?

I've never felt so strongly for a girl. She's so different from everyone else. I love her... But hate her at the same time... How does that even work?

"Just... Pick me up at seven tomorrow..." Her words catch me off guard.


"You're going to the party aren't you?"


"So come to me house and we'll skate over together. Simple... We'll talk then... You're kind of making a scene here."

She turns and walks back to Zoe, who is staring at her in awe. Avril puts on her helmet and grabs Zoe's arm before skating down the street.

I stand there awkwardly until she's out of sight. I turn and get into my car before driving off, as fast as possible, to get away from the idiots still staring at me. Don't they have anything better to do?

Whatever. I'll most likely never see them again so they can go fuck themselves.

Avril's POV

"What the hell just happened?" I mutter.

"Oh no big deal... You know, he basically just broke up with the queen of all bitches so he could be with you... You know just a boy confessing his love to you..." Zoe takes in a deep breathe before squealing. "This is serious shit Av! My gosh!!! I can even! No one has ever broken up with that bitch!"

"Chill, It's not that big of a deal... I don't like him. He doesn't like me."

"Are you fucking kidding me! Av!"

"He was just saying how much I annoy him and shit! Just the other day! I'm so sick of his shit, Zoe! I'm fine without him!"

"You've only known him for a week or two! How can you already know If you hate him!"

"All I'm saying is I can do better-"

"When the last time a boy even asked you out? You've denied so many of them they are all scared of you now! He is obviously in love with you! Stop denying it!"

I frown and look away. Why do I keep telling people I hate him... I am denying it... But he's annoying... So i'll keep denying it...

"Just think about it... Av, I think he really care for you... I can tell you feel the same. It's kind of obvious... And if it's Harry of all people-"

I shrug and feel my checks heat up. "Boys are fucking complicated..."

"Ya, but that's what you got to love about them. Love isn't easy, Av."

We reach the corner and say goodbye before I skate to my house. I walk in and hear my Landon yelling at the tv.

"Shit! You blew me up! What the fuck? I'm on your team!"

I roll my eyes and walk straight into my room with out uttering a word to my mom.

I slam my door much too hard and the things on my shelf rattle. A picture frame falls and I gasp.

I lunge forward and catch just before it hits the ground. I stare at the picture and completely fall to pieces.

Why can't he be here? I just want him to come knocking on my door like he use to...

The doorknob rattles and I lean my back against the door to make sure no on can come in.

"Avril? Are you alright?

"I'm fine! Go away!"

The rattling stops and I peer beneath the door. His feet are still there. He didn't leave me...

"You want to talk about it?"

"No..." I sniff.

"Sweetheart, boys are very stupid sometimes. They don't know what they want... Take Landon for example."

I laugh and quickly try to cover it with a cough.

"Was that a laugh I heard?"

"No..." I squeak. He chuckles and continues.

"Landon and even me when I was younger. I was very stupid when I came to girls. Boys just don't understand yet how to treat a lady like yourself. And this is your first boyfriend. You're only 12 Avril. You can do so much better than him."

"But I really liked him..."

"I'm sure you did. But he wasn't good for you. He doesn't deserve you. Someday you'll find a boy who loves you as much as you love him. And he better treat you right and take care of you. Otherwise, he's not the right guy for you."

I slowly open the door. A soft smile spreads across his face. He opens his arms and I run into them. I wrap my small arms tightly around him and let out the sobs I've been trying so hard to hold back.

"Don't tell anyone I was crying... okay, daddy?"

"Of course sweetheart, but you know, it's okay to cry sometimes..."

"But I don't want to be weak... I want to be strong like you..."

"You're not weak if you cry, Avril. Even I cry sometimes. Crying every now and then just means you're extra strong. Even if you just cry when no ones looking."

I nod and hug him tighter.

"I love you, daddy..."

"I love you too, Avril... I love you too"

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