Chapter 22: Secret

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No. I think as there's a knock at my door. My eyes flutter open even though I want nothing more than to continue my dream. I stare at Harry, still fast asleep beside me.

"Harry...?" I whisper in shock. It's morning and he's lying right beside me in bed. He didn't leave last night. We just kind of fell asleep.


"Shhh!" I hiss. I cautiously get up and walk to my door, not opening it. "What?" I ask harshly.

"Just wondering if you're hungry? Mom is making pancakes." Landon says.

"Just leave it outside of my door. I'm staying in here..."

"Come on, Av. You can't stay in there forever."

"Oh, yes I can and you can't do shit about it." I say harshly. I hear him sigh loudly and his footsteps slowly fad away.

I sigh and take my place back beside Harry. He drapes his arm over me and kisses my cheek.

"Are you just going to stay up here until they let you be with me again?"

"First off, I'm still going to be with you even if they say I can't. And second, yes."

"I'm not sure how well that will work out babe..." He frowns.

"Harry, I can't just let them do this..."

"I know. But, I mean you can't just stay up in your room for the rest of your life. Do you honestly think they'll give in so easily?"

"No, But this is a start. If you bring me food, and I don't eat the food they leave outside my door they'll get really worried right? Then they'll realize that what they've done is wrong."

"Sounds a little too simple."

"So? I'll do anything."

He just smiles at me for a while before gently kissing me. "Babe, no ones ever liked me that much." He says with a small laugh.

I'm not quit sure how to respond so I smile. After a moment I get up and make Harry turn around so I can change. It's really warm out, but I still put on a baggy pair of sweatpants and tank top considering I'm not going anywhere today.

"Breakfast." Landon's says while knocking on my door.

I wait for his footsteps to fade before I poke my head out of my room. As I grab the food and look down the hall Landon gives me a small smile. I glare at him and lock myself in my room again.

"Want some pancakes?" I whisper to Harry with a light laugh.

"Why not."

I eat most of them, only giving Harry a couple bites.

"But tomorrow can you bring me something to eat. I don't want them to think that-"

"Ya, I get it. Babe, do you think is the best idea? I mean-"

"Harry. Why are you saying that? It's like-almost like... You don't want us together..." I trail off as the thought sinks in.

"No it's not that... Av, I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you again..."

"Does it really seem like that makes a difference here? That's what happens in relationship. People get hurt. But I'm not going to just give up because of that. Now am I?"

He lets out a small chuckle. "Alright... But isn't it going to get boring just sitting around all day?"

"Nah, we'll find something to do and-"

"Something as in sex?"

"Geez! Is that all you think about? It's not happening. I was going to say we could also sneak out at night and go somewhere."

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