Chapter 13: The Party

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Didn't fit in at all as we walk through the mesh of drunken teens Harry's grip tightens slightly. That's for sure. Well I may have appeared to fit in I still felt out of place. I stare in awe at the large house the party is being held at as Harry drags me along. It's much bigger than my house... and much newer looking...

The house is a light grey with black shudders and door. The inside was painted in whites, pale yellows, and grays.

Harry leads me to the kitchen and I see the familiar faces of our friends. Zoe smirks at me and I shoot her a warning glare. I really don't want to explain anything to her right now. I'm here to have fun and be carefree. I'm technically a collage student now, and from what I've heard, they party a lot.

"You want a drink?" Zoe yells over the blaring music.

I consider it... But I'm not big on drinking so I shake my head.

"Come on!" She probs. "One won't kill ya!"

I sigh and grab the red cup from her hands. I take a sip. The liquid burns my throat, but it feels good. I take another sip.

"OMG can we go and dance!" Eleanor squeals.

"I don't know..." I didn't want to admit it. I don't feel confident enough to dance around people. Especially the dirty kind of dancing that is going on now.

"Av doesn't like to dance!" Zoe pouts. "Come on! You'll fucking do about anything! Why not make dancing one of those things?"

"I don't..." I began.

"You don't know how to dance?" Jen squeaks.

I sheepishly nod. I glance at Harry who is taking with Niall and his friends, completely oblivious to the conversation we are having.

"I've never been much of a dancer..." I admit.

"Okay, now it's mandatory! You are going to go and learn to dance!" Jen grabs my hand and Eleanor and Zoe follow us.

As we push our way through the mesh of people I become aware of how much I stick out. Most of the girls are wearing tight, short dresses that shows too much and here I am in a skirt and tank top...

The other girls are wearing heals and I'm wearing sneakers, making me one of the shortest person here. It should bother me and it hasn't bothered me until now because even Zoe decided to change her wardrobe from what she was planning. I'm the only one... I'll say under dressed.

It's bad enough I don't feel comfortable dancing but dressed completely differently than most people makes it worse.

I glance around nervously and notice my friends have already began to dance. They move so carelessly. So free.

I suddenly feel a hand grip my waist and I jump. My body tenses and I prepare to swat away the hand that has grabbed me.

"Man, you stick out like a sore thumb over here..." a raspy voice mocks and I turn to glare at Harry.


"You need to let go."

I nervously look around, everyone else is completely relaxed and oblivious to my presence.

I nod. "I know...." I sigh in defeat. "I can't dance..."

"No, you can. You're just afraid to." Is that true? Am I afraid...? I've seen the way people dance.

The dancing is provocative and dirty... I've been afraid to participate in it...

Harry hands me another drink and I drink all of it. The liquid burns my throat again but like I said, I'm starting to like it. I toss the cup on the ground.

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