Chapter 19: Mess

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To much seems to be going on in my mine right now. But I follow as we meet almost the rest of our crew and walk inside. I look around to see if I can find Harry but he's no where in sight.

"Can you tell me if you see Harry?" I ask Eleanor.

She grins. "So you and Harry are a thing?"

"Uh... I guess... Ya..." I feel my face heat up and she smiles.

"You two make the perfect couple! Just be careful. Don't need you to be another Laura!" I nod.

Geez... Is there anyone who isn't going to tell me to be careful around him?

Harry's POV

I open the door and stare at Landon. He has a frown on his face.

"Hey, Harry"

"Hey. What up? I was just about to head to the party..."

"I need to talk to you..."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Alright." I close the door behind me and stare at him waiting for him to say something.

"I need to talk to you about Avril."


"I don't want you messing with her..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you've been messing around alright... I don't want you to hurt her. I know how you are Harry. You fuck a girl and then find a new girl."

"Landon, mate, you don't understand..."

"No, I understand very well, Harry. You better watch it. Don't forget she's my little sister, and if you do anything to hurt her, I will do what ever it takes to keep you away from her."

I stare at him for a moment. I'm not really sure if I should say what's on my mind or not...

"Landon, Avril is different than all the other girls I've been with. I-I really like her... I've never been this crazy for a girl, okay? I just... I'm trying my best to make her happy... I really am..."

We stand silently for a moment. Both of us let the words that have left my mouth sink in. Did I really just admit that...?

"...I don't really get it-no. I do get it... Harry, you just act so differently around her... No offense, but you're usually a total dick to other girls..."

I grin. "I know... But I can't help but act that way around her... She... Makes me happy is what I'm trying to say. She brings out the best in me..."

"Huh... Well, I still don't want you guys... messing around. Don't hurt her.. Got it?" He frowns.

"I'll do my best."

"Harry, I'm serious." He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me.

"Okay. Now, are you going to go to the party? I can drive you."

"Ya that'd be great."

* * *

We get to the party and Landon says goodbye and walks off to find his group of friends.

It takes a while but I end up finding Aril the dance floor with the other girls. They stay on the outside of the crowd so I can see them fairly well.

I watch closely as some guys starts to walk through the crowd of people, his eyes set on Avril... He better not touch her...

I clench my teeth as his hand rests on her waist. He smiles at her and says something to her. She giggle and nods. She stumbles slightly, and then they start dancing, his hands slowly move lower. She stumbles again and laughs. Is she drunk already?

I should trust her... I should let her make her own decision... I should-

They face me but don't notice I can see them. His hands slowly moves down from her waist and to the inside of her thigh. His hand moves up her dress, which my god... She looks so hot... No that's not the point!

His hand moves up the inside of her thigh and disappears beneath her short dress. She jumps and her eyes widen. She bites her lip and her head falls back.

I loose it.

Before I realize what is happening I'm on top of him and my fist smashes into his face.

"HARRY! STOP!" Her voice brings me back to reality, and I stand up and step away from him. Avril grabs my arm and pulls me away. Her face flushed and cheeks coated in tears.

My anger is suddenly turned towards her. "What the fuck!" I shout at her. She shrinks back unable to utter a word. "You just-I don't even know what to say to you! I'm beyond pissed!" I shout. Everyone's eyes are on us. Well, except for those who are helping the dick that I punched.

"I-I'm sorry... I just-"

"You fucking what Avril?" I grip her arm and yank her away from the crowd. I drag her ignoring her sobs behind me. I'm so pissed. Beyond pissed! She fucking let that guy-My god!

We end up outside in the backyard. The few people outside get the hint when I glare at them and cautiously walk back inside as I yell at her.

"You're such a fucking idiot, Avril! I can't believe you! What the fuck was that? Goddammit!"



My grip tightens on her arm, and she lets out a small yelp. I don't understand, but I really can't control myself. The anger has consumed me. I'm not fully aware of what I'm doing...

"Harry, I'm sorry!" She wails.


"I am sorry! Harry! Please! Don't be mad! It's not my fault! We were playing truth or dare, and I kept getting dared to drink, and I got drunk! I didn't know what I was doing!"


She turns even redder, and she sobs as I continue to yell at her. Moments later I hear the door open and Landon's voice. "What the fuck is going on?" He yells.

He pushes me away from Avril and glares at me. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING HURT HER!"

Avril desperately pulls at his arm. "Landon... Please... Stop..." She says between sobs.

"No! I told him not to hurt you! And you, Avril! I can't believe you! Are you trying to be a slut?"

"No! I-I don't know what happened! I didn't mean to!" She wails.

"You did mean to?" I yell.

The sound of the door opening again interrupts us. Zoe, Niall, and Zayn step out. I shoot them a glare but they ignore me.

Zoe runs to Avril and hugs her. She whispers to her, but I can't hear what she's saying. Whatever it it, She is calming down a little.

Niall forces Landon to face him and starts telling him he needs to calm down.

Zayn makes me look away from them and glares at me. "Mate, what was that?" He asks angrily.

"She let some fucking random guy put his hands in her pants! That's what!"

"Harry, you need to calm down. Weren't you just telling me how much you like her. And how she's not like the other girls and you're not going to hurt her?"

"Ya... So what?" I ask harshly.

"So... Do you see what you did to her...? She's fucking balling her eyes out because of you. You're doing what you said you wouldn't... Get a hold of yourself."

I look over at Avril. Her face buried in Zoe's shoulder... That's my fault...

It suddenly starts to sink in, and I lower my head. It's my fault...


Thanks for 40+ on Skater Girl! Thanks again loveliess! I know it may not seem like a lot, but I think it's still pretty great :)

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