Chapter 30: Revenge

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What sucks is that I had to stay in the hospital for a few night, but I'm finally out of there. I hate hospitals. I hope I never have to go back.

Things have been... different. Everyone treats me as if I'm a china doll that could shatter at a moments notice. I'm still the same. I still skate in the middle if the road. I still curse. I'm still me.

As I skate around the others watch me carefully. Out of the corner of my eye I see a blonde girl with too much make up, Laura...

As I skate towards her, Zoe quickly follows me. She hasn't let me out of her sight since the accident. "Av, I don't think this is a good idea"

"It's a perfectly good idea" I say, harsher than intended.

As we approach her her eyes instantly meet mine. Her eyes widen; they're full of guilt... Why?

"Avril!" she practically screams. She runs up to me and wraps her arms tightly around me. I stand in shock and look to Zoe. She provides no help. She stands and stares at me, just as shocked as I am...

"Laura! What the fuck-"

"I'm so sorry! Avril, you don't understand how sorry I am! I-I didn't mean to! Oh god! You're never going to forgive me are you? I told them! I-I told them-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I say while shoving her off of me.

She stares at me wide eyes. "Y-You don't know...?" she covers her mouth and laughs. "you don't know!"

I exchange a what-the-hell? look with Zoe before I notice Harry walking towards us. "Laura, get the fuck out of here" He says harshly. "I told you to stay away from all of us" his arm gently wraps around my waist and he pulls me close to him.

"No, Please, I just needed to apologize! Harry, I never thought this would hurt you! You were suppose to like me again-"

"I never liked you. Your daddy paid me, remember?"

"What are you both talking about?" I say pushing away from Harry. He's not telling me something and its really annoying me

Laura suddenly looks like her old self. "ha! I knew you wouldn't tell her! I knew it! You just wanted me paranoid!" she shouts. She laughs and rubs her eyes.

Harry turns to me, his lips pursed. that's when he says it. "its Laura's fault you got hit by that car." he states blankly.

I'm angry at Harry for not telling me, but I'm infuriated with Laura. Without thinking a launch myself towards her and tackle her to the ground. "you bitch!" I scream. "I almost fucking died because of you!"

I grab a chunk if her hair and her fake nail dig into my skin. I grit my teeth and continue to swear at her. She screams back at me, and I'm pretty sure a small group of people have started to gathered around us.

Her leg suddenly bends inward, and of course, she wearing a skirt. I hear a few whistles and get distracted justo enough for her foot to kick me in the gut. I hear Harry and Zoe, they sound far away. They yell at me to stop, but I let their voices get muffled by the other shouts around us.

I don't care what anyone thinks of me right now. I just want to beat the shit out of her. I want revenge. She deserves this.

Just as I'm about to slam her face into the pavement a few hands grabs me and drag me away from Laura. In pretty proud, during all of that, I managed to give her a bloody nose, and hopefully a black eye.

"Av! What the hell was that! I hate the bitch to, but beating her senseless?" Zoe cries.

I'm on my knees holding my stomach. I don't look up, but I know the others we here now too. I need to catch my breathe.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Harry. He gently kisses the top of my head. "thanks for beating up that whore for me" he says with a soft chuckle. I grin up at him.

After everything has settled down, and Laura has left, we all get something to eat.

And for once I things actually seem normal again.

* * *

A few weeks have gone by. Summer is going by way to fast. Not too much has happened, but I've been spending a lot of time with my family; even more because my dad is going to be leaving again soon.

I've been starting to think more about school. It's starting fairly soon, and I'm getting really worried.

I stare at my wall blankly. Its covered in the most random drawings. I know I probably never mention my artistic abilities, but that's because I have more to focus on. Ya ya. I know I should be practicing more, but I have plenty of time.

I rest my chin on top of a stack of books in front of me and stare at my computer screen. I've played the video so many times its ridiculous.

I was so proud of myself for beating that bitch up, but now that its all over the Internet I'm less proud. I wouldn't get kicked out of college or something if they saw it... right?

I click play for the third time and watch the events unfold. You only hear a small part if the conversation before I launch myself at her. After only a few seconds into the fight I'm pulled off of her and the video ends.

If my parents saw that... God help me. Landon has probably seen it already. I'm praying that he doesn't mention it.

There's a soft knock on my door, and I turn around, ignoring the video momentarily. Landon walk in and eyes the computer. I groan and slam my head softly against my desk. "you saw it...?" I ask.

"Yup. Congratulations" he says sarcastically. "you better hope mom and dad don't see that. I'm surprised they haven't seen all the scratches on your arms. What? are her nails shaped like claws or something?"

I laugh weakly and run my fingers trough my hair. "So what do I do?"

"What do you do about what?"

"All of it? Like, should I tell mom and dad I got attacked by a cat?" I laugh and sake my head.

"Hey, that might actually work... It wouldn't be much if a lie" We both laugh.

It's strange. After I almost died he's been a lot nicer to me. I don't hate it, but it seems strange. I'm so use to the constant fighting. I doubt it will last. Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.


So, I've been thinking that this fanfic should come to an end pretty soon. Yes? end it... or no? keep going?

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