Chapter 9: The Mall

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"Me!" I exclaim as Zoe asks who's ready for the mall. I've just opened the door and let her in.

I say goodbye to my mom and we skate down the road.

"Was your mom crying?"

"Ya... She misses my dad..."

"Oh that's right he's... I'm sorry Av..."

I smile reassuringly. "Relax, Its fine."

"Don't you miss him?"

"Of course! But he's coming back soon... And I know he'll be fine. I don't need to worry about him too much. He's just like me-"

"You mean you're like him?"

"Either way we're the exact same! We're both the strong ones in the family! We never cry! We never give up! Therefore I don't need to worry!"

"Haha. Av you're awesome! You're always so happy and shit. Nothing ever gets you down!"

"You know it!" I say with a smile.

But in reality... I'm terrified. My dad could die at any moment.

I wish someone could see that I do get scared. That I can't always be strong. I don't want to admit it but for once it would be nice for people to worry about me... To understand I'm not always that fearless...

Like Harry... Last night he saw that side of me... He comforted me..

That was the first time in years I've cried in front of someone... The first time someone's seen the weak side of me...

Dammit! Why was I thinking of him now?

* * *

When we've bought our outfits we get a smoothy.

We ended up getting a cute high waisted skirt. Zoe got a jean skirt and I got a black one.

Zoe bought a pair of white converse.

I already have a white pair. But I did buy a pair of white ones with black accents on the tongue of it.

Finally we got the tank tops.

I got a white one with Nirvana written on it in back and the little smile face thing that goes along with it.

Zoe got a plan white one with a bow on the back.

Finally Zoe got one of those cute head band bandana things.

"So where were you last night? I called your house and your mom said you were sleeping over a friends house."


"Come to think of it... Harry came back looking for you and then disappeared..." She smiles deviously at me.

"Don't jump to conclusions!"

"So you were at his place! Did you guys-"

"No! We didn't DO anything!"

"Will you just tell me what happened?"

So I do. I tell her how Harry was there to comfort me. And how I didn't want to go home because I couldn't let my family see me crying.

I told her all the way up to breakfast.

"We ended up getting into a small fight before I went home... And that's about it... Nothing really happened..."

"OMG Av! He must like you! He could be your new bf!"

I roll my "he's got a girlfriend you know. It was nothing. He does not like me!"

"But you like him~"

"No, I do not. Zoe I told you I have no interest in him."

"Whatever! I just thought you two would make a super cute couple... Anyway... Has your mom said you can go to the party?"

"I was going to talk to her tonight. I have a feeling she'll say yes. But I don't want to jinx it..."

"She better let you go. We already have our outfits picked out!"

"Don't worry about it. When I get home i'll talk to her about it, okay?"

* * *

When I get home I decide to ask my mom about the party.

"Hey mom?" I ask while walking I to the kitchen.

"Hey Avril. How was the mall?"

"It was fun. So mom do you remember me asking about the party next week?"

"Yes, I've been thinking about that..."

"And? Can I go? I really want to go." I say playing with the bag with my outfit for the party in it.

"I suppose it would be alright-"

I run up and hug her. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal.

"Yes, but listen, I want you to be careful okay? don't do anything you'll regret. And don't go off anywhere with a strange boy. And if you decide to spend the night at a friends house let me know."

I smile and hug her tighter. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, now are you hungry? I'm going to start dinner."

"Ya, I'm pretty hungry. What are you making?"

"Apple sausage and pasta."

"Yum. let me know when it's done." I say while running up the stairs.

I pass my brothers room and peek in. He's on his Xbox... No surprise...

"Get out of my room!" He yells without looking away from the tv. I hear other voices in his room but ignore them.

"I'm not in your room!" I say.

He looks back. "Don't even come near my room!"

"What are you gunna do about it?" I taunt.

"Go away! I have friends over!" He says while standing up.

I take a step into his room. "You have friends?" I ask looking around for evidence.

I hear his friends laugh. I look at his friends. I see Niall and smile at him. I kind of expected that.

Even though Niall is one of my best friends, he's my brothers friend too. I sometimes forget that.

I look around at his other friends. I never bothered to get to know his other friend even though he's alway hanging around.

I think his name is Lucca. But theirs one person I don't recognize...

I stare at the back of a curly hairs boys head. He turns around to face me and my eyes widen. I didn't know Landon was friends with him!

He doesn't smile at me. He sees me, then turns away.

"Get out!" Landon yells while pushing me out of his room. "Where are your friends? Huh?"

I glare at him as he slams the door in my face. He really annoys me sometimes. I listen through the door for a moment.

"She's so annoying!" Landon complains.

I suddenly hear Harry reply to him "Tell me about it..." He mutters.

I take a step back and frown... Does he really find me annoying? Whatever... Fuck him...

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