Chapter 27: Accident

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Zoe's POV

Please no... I can't believe this. I hadn't even noticed a car was coming until Avril announced it. I turn to see a car speeding down the wrong side of the road and my stomach drops.

The sight of the car coming towards us brings back memories of the night Alex died.

I'm the first one to swerve onto the sidewalk. Everyone moves agonizingly slow. As if they don't really care that a car is coming right for us.

Something doesn't feel right. My eyes stayed glues to Avril in the back of our group. I feel sick.

I try to assure everyone onto the sidewalk and just as Harry, who's right in front of her, gets onto the sidewalk it happens.

The car wipes past us, hitting Avril. It's like seeing Alex die all over again. She screams and falls back off of her skateboard. I stare wide eyed at the events before me. Am I dreaming? This can't possibly be happening again. Can it?

I hear the others scream in horror around me, and my mouth is open, but only an unrecognizable sound escapes them. Avril's head hits the curb, and I notice her helmet is gone. She was wearing a helmet only moments ago. What happened to it?

I look around me as everyone rushes to her aid and there, dropping out of Harry's hands is Avril's helmet...

I drop to my knees and just scream. My eyes screw shut, I pull at my hair, and I just scream at the top of my lungs. My face feels hot and tears fall down my face. I wrap my arms around my self, and my fingernails sink into my skin, but I don't feel the pain.

Zayn rushes to me. "Zoe? Zoe, relax! Please! It will be okay!" When I ignore him he calls for Niall.

Niall runs to me and grabs my shoulders. "Zoe! Stop!" He shouts and shakes me. But I continue to scream. I continue to let myself slip from reality. I hear the faint wail of sirens fills my ears. "ZOE! STOP!" Niall begs. I let my screams drowned out the sound if his pleads.

My head pounds.

My heart beats rapidly.

My body aches.

My throat hurts.

But I just


Care .

Why does this have to happen? What have we done to deserve this? Why does god have to take away another one of my best friends?

How much longer can I hold on to reality? How much longer until I completely go insane?

Harry's POV

I watch in horror as Avril falls, her head hitting the curb. Her body goes limp and I rush to her. I'm the first to get to her.

I hear Jen on the phone calling for help and Zoe's screams. I turn briefly to see Zayn and Niall trying to calm her down as she screams her head off and pulls at her hair.

I turn my attention back to Avril. Everyone is yelling. No one knows what to do now. All we can do is wait. There's no way for us to really help her-

I notice her blonde hair is stained red with blood and take off my shirt. "Harry, mate, what are you fucking doing?" Lou asks while he and Liam try to get Eleanor and Jen to stop crying.

I ignore him and press my shirt to the wound on her head. The least I can do is try to stop the bleeding, right?

After what feels like forever the ambulance shows up. I let them take her, and I get into the ambulance with her. Niall and Zayn want to come but they don't want to leave Zoe, who is still screaming. Since no one has a car a police officer who showed up offered to drive them.

* * *

We all wait. We aren't aloud to see her yet. It suddenly occurs to me that no one has called her family. I turn to Niall who is rubbing Zoe's back. She's finally stopped screaming.

"Niall, do you have her parents number?"

"Ya..." he takes out his phone and holds it to his ear. "Hi, it's Niall... Landon I need to talk to one of your parents right away... Please. It's really important... I'm fine but-can you just give them the phone?... Ya, it's Niall I need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible... I'm fine, but... Avril got hit by a car... Okay. Please hurry... Bye..." He hangs up and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Are they coming?" I ask with my head down.

"Ya..." We all remain quiet until Avril's family shows up.

I stare at them blankly. Landon's gaze meets mine. His eyes filled with anger, he stomps over to me and grabs the front collar of my shirt. "This is you're fucking fault! Isn't it?" He shouts. Everyone's in the waiting room stares at us.

I ignore them and focus on Landon's face. His blue eyes watery, but angry. His sweaty hair falls in his face. His hands shaky. "It is my fault... Isn't it?" I finally whisper. My voice cracks and he throws me back.

His mom and dad scold him, and he just crosses his arms and sits down beside me as if he is a three year old who doesn't get what he wants. Why do I feel like this is my fault?

Niall fills them in on what's going on, and then we sit in silence.

* * *

The next morning me all find somewhere to get food and when we finish we wait. We wait until a nurse walks out. "Anyone here for Avril?" She asks while putting her hands behind her back.

All of us stand up almost immediately. The young women's deep brown eyes widen, but she tries to cover her surprise with a soft smile.

"If it's alright with you folks, I'd like you to come in one at a time. She just woke up and it would be best not to overwhelm the poor thing..." She trails off her eyes scanning over all of us and suddenly meeting my gaze. She gives me a sympathetic look before looking to Landon beside me.

I watch as Avril's mom gets up and walks towards the nurse. "I'm her mother... I'd like to see her first..." the nurse nods and leads her down the hallway.

I hear Zoe murmuring to herself and glance over. Niall wears a sad look on his face as he gently wraps an arm around her and hold her close, telling her it will be alright.

Landon is also rambling to himself. The only words I make out of his rambling is "...Harry's fault..."

I know he's right. I should have let her go in front if her. I should have made her wear that helmet. Everyone is thinking it. It's my fault. I've been trying to make myself believe that it isn't my fault. It's getting harder to believe that.


Sorry this chapter isn't as long as usual. Some chapters may not be as long as you'd like, but I'm trying my best. Thank you lovelies

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