Chapter 4: Annoyance

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Harry's POV

And here I am, waiting outside of the high school just as school is about to end. I watch as the teens flood out of the high school. I scan the crowd for Laura. However, I find my gaze locked on Avril.

She swiftly skates down the sidewalk with Zoe. Even from far away I can see the band aids on her elbows and knees. I feel bad. It was kind of my fault she fell.

When she got home last night... I don't know why I did that. It must of been because I felt bad for making her get hurt. That's is... It meant absolutely nothing!

The car door opens, bringing me back to reality. "Hey babe!" Laura squeals. she jumps into the passenger seat and leans over to kiss me.

Laura really is annoying. I tolerate her. The thing is, I can't break up with her.

~Flashback ~(0-0)~

There was a familiar looking man walking towards me last years.

"You're Harry. Am I right?" He asked me.

"Ya..." I said cautiously.

"My name is Fill Jones. Laura Jones' father. Do you know her?"

"Ya... She's like one of the most popular girls in school... Now cut to the chase..." I say impatiently.

"So she's loved by all, then." he says happily.


"You said she's popular. That's to be expected of my perfect Laura."

"Ha! Mate... She's not popular for the reasons you think. She's dates any guys she's ever wanted. I don't think that's something to brag about. The whole having dated hundreds of boyfriends thing."

The man smiles impatiently. "Anyway... My daughter has her eyes on you, my young fellow."

"What makes you think I'll date her?"

"I'll give you a hundred dollars a day. For every day you date her... As I'm sure you know, we are a very wealthy family, and I would do anything to make my baby girl happy."

My eyes widen in shock. I could earn a lot of money just for dating that girl. But it's wrong to date someone for that reason...

"You better not be messing with me, old man." I warn.

"I assure you, this is no joke. The moment you ask her to be your girlfriend, I will pay you a hundred dollars for every day you two are dating. Except the days where you make her unhappy. When you break up, the money stops. Understood?"

I grin. "I'll ask her out tomorrow." I say with a laugh.

The next day I asked her out. She was overly happy and began bragging to all her friends.

I really didn't care what anyone thought about this. If I'm getting money out of it, then that's fine with me. If it was any other girl I may feel really bad. But I feel little guilt for doing this to Laura.

~End of Flashback~

It's been about a year so, you can imagine how much money I've got by now.

"Hey. How was your day?" I ask while starting the car. As we start to drive she begins to talk about herself to no end... I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

Once again I see Avril. We momentarily stop at a stop sign as her and Zoe go by. I smile as I see her.

She looks so happy. Her hair gently flows behind her as they skate by. Her blue eyes light up as Zoe says something to her. I can't help but wonder what it is that Zoe said to her.

"Harry?" I look to the passenger seat.


"I asked how your day was... What's with you today? You aren't paying any attention to me!"

"Sorry babe. I'm just really tired. It's been a long day." She doesn't seem convinced so I add. "I would never ignore you." A smile spreads across her face.

"Awwww! Harry!" she squeals.

I fake a smile before directing my attention back to the road.

Avril's POV

"You want to go for ice cream?" Zoe asks me.

My eyes light up. "Yes! Omg can we please go now? Which ice cream place are we going to?"

"Hey, calm down! I was thinking kiwi spoon. It's closest."

"I kind of wanted Dairy Queen, but Kiwi Spoon is good too!" I say as we take a left turn.

When we get there I get chocolate frozen yogurt with fruit and cookie dough on it. Zoe gets chocolate with nuts and hot fudge.

By the time we finish our frozen yogurt it's time to go home.

"I've got a ridiculous amount of homework today! I really wanted to go back to the skate park!" I whine.

"The weekend is only a few days away. Plus, summer is like two weeks away. Then no school for like two months!"

"I love summer! I can't wait!" I exclaim.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, Av!" Zoe says as we go down different streets to go home.

"Bye, Zoe!"

The moment I get home my mom is making dinner. "Where were you?" she asks.

"Zoe and I went to kiwi spoon." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek before going up to me room.

"Dinner will be ready in 20!" She yells up.

"Okay!" I shout back before closing my door.

I sit down and start homework... It is going to be a long night...

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