Chapter 3: Confusion

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You idiot! I think to myself. As I come up to another turn a hear someone call my name. "Avril!" And as I turn to look at the person, my skateboard comes in contact with the curb, throwing me off of it.

"Shit!" I curse as I tumble over onto the sidewalk.

My hands fly out to try and break my fall. But, my head slams against the sidewalk instead. Luckily, I had my helmet on, but that doesn't stop the pain from shooting through my head briefly.

My knees and elbows skid across the hard surface. I let out a small scream at the sudden pain.

"Crap! Avril!" The voice yells.

I remain sprawled across the sidewalk, making sure nothing is broken. I examine my hands first. They're scraped up, but nothing I can't handle. My elbows and knees on the other hand are covered in blood. The pain is bearable, so with the help of the person I stand up.

I suddenly look up into Harry's bright green eyes. "Thanks..." I say picking up my skateboard.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking down at my knees.

"I should be fine."

"I can skate with you until you get to your house... If you'd like." He says nervously.

"Thanks. That's really thoughtful." I say playfully punching him on the arm.

By the time we reach my house the blood has trailed down my legs and arms. "My mom's going to flip..." I mutter.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks.

I smile. "Ya. I'm just glad I had my helmet on." I say, laughing nervously and patting my head. "My head hit the sidewalk pretty hard, ya know?" As I reach for the door, Harry stops me.

What happened next completely caught me of guard. He places his hands on my shoulders and kisses my forehead. Then, he turns and skates away without another word.

I stare at him until he's out of sight before walking inside, pretending that nothing happened. "I'm home!" I yell into the house.

"You don't need to yell!" my brother yells back.

"Shut up, Landon!" I yell.

"Stop fighting!" My mom yells louder than both of us.

I walk into the kitchen where she's making dinner. She turns to look at me. Her smile disappears and she runs to me.

"Oh my god! What happened? Are you alright!" She cries, looking over my injures.

Landon walks into the kitchen to see what's going on. He lets out a laugh at the sight of me. "Looks like someone whipped out." I glare at him.

"This is not funny Landon! She could have been seriously hurt!" My mom runs to the medicine cabinet. "Sit down." She orders.

I take a seat at the kitchen table and pull out the chair so my mom can clean my knees. She takes a wet paper towel and whips away the blood. As she cleans my wounds she asks me what happened.

"While I was coming home I got distracted. One of my friends called my name, and I turned around to see who it was. I wasn't paying attention, and I ran into the curb... But, he came home with me to make sure I was okay."

"Niall?" My mom asks.

"No, one of his friends I met today." I explain. She nods. She doesn't ask about this person, and I mentally thank her for that.

"This will sting a little." She says. I frown. I know that cleaning stuff is suppose to clean cuts... but it hurts like hell. I hold my breathe, and she dabs it on. I cringe but don't say anything. That stuff fucking hurts.

My mom finishes patching me up and then we all sit down to eat dinner. "So is dad going to come home soon?" I ask staring at my pasta. An awkward silence falls over us before my mom speaks.

"Now, Avril... You know he won't be home for a while... Hopefully he'll come home before you go to collage..."

"I just miss him..." I mumble. We haven't seen him in months since he went to war... I love him but it's hard having a dad who's in the army. I'm always worried that we'll loose him...

"You're so stupid, Avril..." Landon says coldly. "Why do you even bother asking? You know he won't be home for a long time. Deal with it."

"Landon..." My mom warns.

"It's fine... I'm going to bed... Goodnight." I put my plates in the sink and run upstairs to my room, making sure to slam the door as loud as possible. As far as I've been told, since a very young age, I've been the biggest drama queen in the family.

I lay on my bed and look over at the picture of my family on my dresser. I really missed my dad... And Landon was making fun of me for it... Asshole.

I burry my face in my pillow and let myself cry. I cry for a good 20 minutes before I finally fall asleep.

* * *

I groan as my alarm clock goes off. It's freaking 5:30 in the morning...

I get up and get ready. After taking a shower, I get dressed.

I put on my black, short sleeved blouse with puffy sleeves. Along with that I put on my cut-off, coral colored, jean shorts. I put on my red chevron converse before doing my makeup and hair.

I finish getting ready, eat, brush my teeth, and grab my lunch before heading for the door.

"Bye, mom! Bye, Landon!" I shout. I grab my skateboard and helmet and lock the door behind me.

I pull out my phone and text Zoe and Niall.

'You guys ready for school? -Avril'

'Yeah, Meet us at the usual spot. -Zoe'

I meet up with them at the same corner we always meet at. "What happened to you?" Niall asks pointing to my bandaged knees.

"I kind of took a big spill on my way home last night. I'm fine though."

"Since when do you fall off your skateboard?" Zoe asks. It's true. I'm pretty good at skateboarding, and it's rare for me to fall that hard unless I'm practicing a new trick.

"In my defense, I was distracted and ran into the curb." I say as we skate down the street.

"What are you talking about?"

"Harry called my name. I turned to see who called my name. He distracted me, and I fell of my board. What a dick..." I manage to laugh a little as I explain what happened.

"Harry?" Niall asks nervously. "Why we're you with him?"

"Hey, I didn't plan it. He came out of no where. He must of followed me or something... And..." I suddenly remembered last night. I stop skating and Niall and Zoe stare at me.

"What's up?" Zoe asks.

"He..." I begin. Should I tell them?

"What he do to you?" Niall asks angrily. Why is he so angry? I can only imagine what's going through his head...

"Nothing bad... Before I went inside my house... He kissed my forehead... Then he just left..." They stare at me as if I have two heads.

"He did what now?" Zoe asks in awe.

"That doesn't sound like him at all... He's usually a complete ass... You saw. When he was with Laura..." Niall says.

"It was weird... Lets get going. I don't want to be late." I say skating past them. "We are not to speak of it again!" I shout as we continue down the street.

It really has me confused now... I'll just pretend it never happened... yup. That's exactly what I'll do!


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