Chapter 23: Free

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Matter... Does it really matter that a few days have passed and Harry has come every night. Zoe has come every morning. I thought I'd be fine... But I'm going to go stir crazy if I don't get out of this house soon!

"Avril?" My parents both ask through the door.


"Please come out..." My mom says desperately.


"You can see Harry..." My dad says. My ears perk up. Did I hear them right?


"You heard your father. You can see that punk..." My mom mutters.

I laugh. I never thought my mom would realize that Harry isn't a gentleman after all. But now that she's said it, I'm a little annoyed, but I'll let it slide.

"Are you serious?"


Without a second thought I throw the door open and wrap my arms around both of them.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I squeal.

They both smile and I run down the stairs and to the door. I freeze and realize I'm still in my pajamas. I haven't been doing anything all day, so I didn't see the point in changing.

I run back upstairs and quickly get dressed before running back down the stairs and out the door with my skate board.

When I'm halfway to the skate park I realize my helmet is still at home... But whatever. I'll be fine without it for a few hours.

As I skate down the middle of the street, I text Zoe, Harry and Niall.


5:23 p.m.

I'm finally out of jail! Lol!


5:24 p.m.

OMG! U escaped! No way!

From: Niall

5:27 p.m.

Nice. What r you going to do now that ur free? Are you coming to the skate park?

From: Harry<3

5:28 p.m.

It's about time. Hurry up and come to the skate park. I miss you babe

I get to the skate park and they are all waiting by the entrance. They all embrace me in hugs and congratulate me.

"We were starting to worry!" Eleanor laughs.

"I know! How long has it been?" Jen says grabbing my shoulders and squinting at me. "I think you have wrinkles!" I laugh and gently push her back.

"We're glad you're back." says Zayn and Liam.

"Ya, The girls wouldn't shut up about how much they miss you!" Louis exclaims while nudging Eleanor. She glares at him only for a moment. She can't fight back her smile though.

Harry's arm finds its way around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Damn... I missed you." He mutters.

"I saw you last night!"

"Ya. But we were stuck in your house the whole time. We didn't get a chance to do anything... Fun..."

My eyes suddenly meet Zoe's and I ignore his comment. "I need to talk to Zoe."

He nods and I walk over to her with a big smile, getting ready to skate around. She frowns at me.

"Av... Where's your helmet...?"

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