Chapter 17: Surprise

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I can't believe it; It's Friday once again. I've been going to the skate park almost every day with my friends and there's no sign of Laura. Thank god. I still haven't told Zoe what happened the night of the party or about the new hickeys I've gotten from a few nights ago. We somehow always get interrupted or I switch the topic.

"Av. You never told me what happened the night of the party..." she says.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing happened."

"Oh really? Then how do you explain the hickey on your neck? And is that one new?" She asks pointing to my collar bone. I quickly cover it with my hair.

"We... uh..."

"Good lord... Did he have sex with you while you were drunk that night or something? I will kick his ass!" She asks nervously.

"No! We made out and he gave me a hickey that night. Nothing else. I don't really remember much. He said he stopped me before anything really happened. As for a few nights ago..." I trail off.

"As for a few nights ago what? Av, you didn't..."

"No we didn't! We messed around a little but we didn't do that!"

"I'm just worried... Harry is... Well Niall has told me stuff about him... Not trying to be mean, but just to make sure I'm-we are careful... I don't want him to hurt you... Or use you... I get that he's your bf now and all... But I'm worried, Av... I don't personally know him but-"

"Zoe, relax. I've come to know him really well. He's very nice to me. Okay? He hasn't hurt me or anything. And weren't you saying that we'd make a cute couple a few weeks ago?"

"That's before I heard of all the things he's done!"

"I'll be careful. Don't worry. Now how about we get something to eat?"

She nods and as we walk past the entrance I stop dead in my tracks. Zoe turns to me, concern willing her eyes. "Av?"

She follows my gaze to a man in an army uniform standing at the entrance staring at back at us. Zoe's mouth falls open and she looks at me. "Av... Isn't that..." I nod and drop my skate board.

I run. Sprint actually and jump into his arms. Everyone in the park is staring by now and I think a few even have their phone out. I don't care though I let the tears fall from my eyes and he hugs me tightly.

I burry my face in his chest and sob. "Dad! You're... B-back!" I wail.

He takes my face in his hands and looks at me. "You're even prettier than when I last saw you. How's my little girl doing?" he asks softly.

I laugh as he ruffles my hair. "I'm fine. I'm fine. H-how are you? W-when did you come back? No one told me..."

"Mom forgot to tell you?"

"She knew?"

"Ya. She said she would tell you. Either way I'm here aren't eye?"

I laugh and hug him. "Ya... I missed you so much!"

"So do you want to stay here and hang out with your friends and i'll-"

"No. I haven't seen you in months I want to spend time with you. I'll just say goodbye and we can go home."

"Alright. Your sure you don't want to stay with your friends?"

"Dad, I'm positive. I'll be right back."

I run back to Zoe and tell her I'm going home with my dad. "Can you tell the others I left?"

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow"

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