Chapter 24: Never A Dull Moment

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What overall happens is Alex died. Zoe and I lived. The asshole got arrested. I became selectively mute. But only for a little while. I refused to talk to anyone. I'm not sure if I was really able to talk and just wouldn't, or if I just couldn't. It took a few months before I started to talk to anyone again. Alex's aunt moved and we haven't seen her since.

Zoe and I were closer than ever after that. Afraid that something like that would happen again. We were told that if she had been wearing a helmet... She may have had a chance...

So we swore to always wear a helmet all the time. Though I still ride in the middle of the road. Zoe is against it. But it was Alex's and my thing. Riding in the middle of the road.

Being rebels is what I called it.

Being crazy is what Niall called it.

Being stupid is what Landon called it.

Being dangerous is what Zoe called it.

Being free is what we Alex called it.

"We don't need you dying too..." She whispers.

"I'm not going to d-die anytime soon. I just forgot it okay? N-no big deal..." I stutter.

"Just... Be careful... Okay?"

I nod. "Zoe?" I say on the verge of tears. "Is it bad... That I don't think of her as much as I use to?"

"It's not bad. It just means you've... Learned to except the fact that she's not coming back..."

"Ya... I guess so..."

"Av... Things happen for a reason-"

I hate when people say that. Zoe knows that. Especially when it's about someone passing away. As much as it bothers me I nod. If I try to speak I will just breakdown.

I try to shake the thoughts from my head. I take a deep breathe and smile. "So, we gunna skate?"

She smiles back, and we skate around, Zoe watching my every move. After about and hour Harry calls my name.

"Babe. You hungry? It's almost seven and I doubt you've ate anything lately..."

I grin. I love the fact that he's looking after me. "I actually am hungry. Are you gunna buy me something?"

He rolls his eyes and grins down at me. "I don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope, you don't." I say while gently wrapping my arms around him and dragging him to the consetion stand.

Harry buys me a hotdog and soda. Of course, he makes me share with him. When I've finished my hotdog I notice Harry's gaze is set somewhere behind me. I turn and see why he was frowning at the distant figure... Laura.

She walks towards us her hands on her hips. She sways her hips from side to side and some guys nearby make vulgar comments.

"Avril... Harry..." She states. I stare up at her and frown. "I need to speak with Avril."

I glance at Harry and he shakes his head. "You don't need to talk to her-"

"Harry. It's fine" I say standing up and grabbing my soda from his hands.

We walk away so we are out of Harry's hearing range before Laura starts to talk.

"Are you two a thing now?" She asks in disgust.

"Uh... I guess so."

She purses her lips and nods stiffly before continuing. "I see... Anyway, it has come to my attention that my daddy paid Harry to date me. He never really cared for me. But he stayed with me... Until you joined the picture..."

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